Cabin fever.

549 18 68

Random shit with my boys in the woods thanks to Asher. Yeah idk either, I'm bored.


Asher hops out of the car and takes a deep breath in. "Just smell that! Its the great outdoors! Can't get anythin' better than that!"

The widow beside him thinks otherwise. "All I can smell is animal waste. Disgusting." He shakes his head.

Coby joins them dragging his suitcase. "Well, I don't gave to worry about mosquito's since Greenie loves to eat them." He chuckles, resting his arm on Fear's shoulder.

"Don't touch me." Fear hisses and shoves him harshly off of him.

"Why does it smell like a shit!?" Lockheart complains stepping out of the car with his hands on his hips.

"Good to know I'm not the only one." Fear mumbles.

"There's wild animals guys, get over it!" Asher rolls his eyes.

"Vwould you all lower you voices? Cupid fell asleep and I don't vwant to wake him." Hallow says, Cupid's small form in his arms in bridal style.

"I'll show ya your rooms, then I'll get dinner started." Asher lowers his voice and takes out his keys to unlock the door to the cabin.


"Holy shit! You've got a hot tub!? Dude thats f*cking awesome!" Coby  smiles, vipers wincing at his yelling.

"Uh yeah? I got that as a birthday present. Ya know for whenever I need ta relax from my runs." Asher shrugs his shoulders opening the fridge.

"Ever f*cked anyone in one?" Coby asks, his smirk widening.

Asher's ears perk as his cheeks flush. "N-no! Ya nasty! That's not what I use it for! I get in it after I work out! Why are you the way you are?"

Coby shrugs his shoulders. "Eh you're no fun. Whatever, I'm getting in." The gorgon removes his shirt, showing his scaled ribs before leaving the kitchen to the back porch.

Asher sighs, breath shaking as he does so. "...I'm a fookin' virgin.. Why does he have to be so disgustin'?"


"Did you see that he has a hot tub?" Lockheart asks, turning his head to the spider next to him.

"Yes. Why does it matter?" Fear asks, eyes never leaving the novel in his hands.

"Don't know, was thinking I'd get in it here in a bit. My f*cking back hurts from Asher's shitty car." The horned angel chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. His other arm currently behind Fear's shoulders on top of the couch.

Fear sighs. "I guess I could take a dip in it as well. My shoulder blades have had a kink in them for over a week now."

"Now you're talking!" Lockheart playfully punches the spider in the shoulder.

Fear narrows his eyes at him. "Do that again and I'll end you."

The fallen angel lifts a brow. "Is that a threat or..?"

Violet eyes pierce into his soul. "I don't know am I threatening you? Or am I just kidding? Which do you think?"

A chill goes down his spine and the heartbreaker hops off the couch. "Let's get our trunks then."

Fear nods and stands to his feet, setting his book on the coffee table to follow Lockheart with his arms behind his back.


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