Wedding crashers.

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Where have I been for the past few days? Not gonna lie, I've been breeding for a shiny Wimpod in pokemon, And writing creepy shit on quotev. 

Sorry for any typos! I clipped my usual long nails and it feels super awkward to type without em.

(Fanart by -UwU101- And I adore it so much. Could ya make the boi's in tuxes? Btw I know he's not but it looks like Coby is checking out Hallow's ass XD)


The angel of love had a cheery grin on his face as he looked over his clipboard and the workers setting up the wedding arch.

"Be sure to put blue roses on each table please! Has anyone called the caterer yet?" Cupid asks, checking things off his lists.

"Oh my, this looks amazing Mr.Valentine! You got my vision for it exactly!" The bride says in amazement with a smile as she looks down at the angel.

Cupid tucks his pen into his shirt pocket, free hand on his hip. "Why thank you Sharon, I'm glad you like it! There's only more to come. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Well, since you've been working your coccyx off putting this together for us,  I thought you should come to the reception tomorrow! Glen and I would love to have you there." She smiles.

Cupid's wings flutter. "Really? I'd be honored!"

"And I thought it would great to bring your friends along too!"

Cupid lands on his feet with wide eye lights. "W-what?"

Sharon nods her head. "Yes! You should bring your boyfriend too! The more the marrier!"

The angel feels a bead of sweat go down the side if his skull, he pulls on his scarf nervously. "Are you sure? They can be a bit.. Much."

"Of course! Now I'll talk to you later, me and Glen have to go and pick out a cake!" The dark haired woman sends him a wave then leaves the room.

Cupid swallowed nervously. "Oh boy.. I'm sure this will go just.. Peachy.."


"Ugh! Why do I have to wear a tux! Its f*cking itchy!" Lockheart complains, pulling on his tie angrily.

Fear rolls his eyes. "Must you get pissy over everything? Sit still! I can't get your measurements if you keep moving!"

Coby slicks his vipers back with a smirk, making sure his purple shades are on strait and sparkling. "Damn, Fear you sure know how to make me fresher than a mint!"

Asher was combing his hair with a thick brush. "Normally this isn't my scene but I can't say no to a party!"

Cupid was biting his filed claws nervously as he paced back and forth.

Hallow lifted a brow. "Love chop? You doing okay there? You're acting like you're the one getting married."

Cupid sighs stopping his pacing to look his boyfriend in the eyes, his pink ones holding nothing but worry. "I know I'm sorry, its just... What if it all goes wrong? You know how they are.... Minus Fear."

The vampire smiles softly and cups Cupid's stamped cheek with his hand. "C'mon don't give me the pouty face. It'll be fine, its just a party vwhats the vworst that could happen?"

Cupid leans into his touch with a smile. "Thanks honeybat, I needed that."

Hallow smiles. "Nice to see my Angel smile. Now, help me vwith this tux my wings are being a pain in the ass."

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