Original chaos.

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Only my true fans will remember when it was just the original three.

Question: When you started following me, who was newest skele boi at the time? I wanna know how long you've been here for. :3

Involves a little bit of a love to triangle! Damn Cupid and his aura.


"Coby you're getting sand everywhere!" Creator yells.

The gorgon in question rolled his eyes. "I used to live in Egypt ma, there is going to sand everywhere!" He argues back, swaying his 'hair' with sass.

Creator sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "He's such a brat..."

Hallow walked into the living room with a couple boxes in his arms, most of them pink and large. "Cupid, how do you have so many clothes if you just wear one outfit?"

The angel beside him crossed his arms. "Don't question me, just put them away please?"

The vampire shrugged his shoulders and carried the boxes up the stairs, leaving his creator and the angel of love alone.

"Mom, why do we need such a big house if its just us?" Cupid asks, looking over her shoulder at her drawing.

Creator doesn't look up from the drawing of a skeleton with.. Hair? "Well, I figured we'd need lots of land for your garden and Hallow's pumpkin patch. As for the mansion? I don't know really.. Lori said we'll thank her one day for it."

Cupid nods. "Can I paint the kitchen how I want?" He asks, his wings vibrating in excitement.

The horned girl smiles. "Of course sweetheart, go ahead."


Creators smile falls. "I'll be back, the paint is in the garage." She stands, setting her sketch book aside before making her way upstairs.


It took two weeks, but finally the house was decorated how they wanted. Mostly their rooms but the rest of the house had nicknacks and velvet rugs.

The trio had gotten more used to each other after their makeovers. Months of living separate and now living together was strange.

Hallow and Cupid's silly rivalry wasn't as it used to be. They didn't get on each others last nerve as much anymore.

However, Coby and the vampire argued over stupid things. Like fashion, and furniture placement.

One morning while Creator was out to the store, The two of them sat at the small dining table while Cupid has his back turned to them.

Cupid had warned them of his aura, it was a blessing and a curse. Anyone around him would instantly be attracted to him, the only good thing about it was that it helped with his matchmaking job.

He was fine living in his own apartment away from the other before, but now that he lived with two of his mother's creations, he was afraid his blasted aura would bite him in the ass again.

Hopefully it would wear off.

Cupid smiles and takes the hot trey out of the oven, upon it was very sweet smelling sugar cookies.

They learned very quickly that he was the only one who could cook, Coby tried to microwave cereal, and Hallow had no idea how to work their new stove. Creator only knew how to work the toaster and microwave.

So, the decided Cupid was on kitchen duty permanently.

Cupid turned to the duo at the table and skipped over to them, and set four cookies on two separate plates. "Enjoy!"

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