Yandere hc.

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Fanart by one of you guys! If ya want to draw an outcast go ahead, I'd love to see it. :3

And go ahead and requests some headcannons. I love writing them.


Amour smiled as you entered the dark room of his, he tapped his fingers on the desk, a pair of pink heart lined scissors on his other hand.

"So, you wanted to know what would happen if everyone had been like me?" Amour asks, his smile widening.

You shakily nod, scared to get too close to him.

He giggles. "Wish granted.~"



Soft yandere.

Cupid's obsession wouldn't be that obvious. Sure he's almost always with you at all times, and his loves how you smell. But he's not the creepy underwear stealing kind.

As his object of affection, you are spoiled rotten and cared for in anyway you need it.

He does keep one of your shirts as a pillow case, just to have your scent close when you aren't.

His cuddles are a little tight, but you don't mind. His aura has gotten stronger, making your relationship quicker than normal.

If anyone tries to take you from him, flirt with you, touches you, Cupid gives them a smile and breaks their fingers one by one while smiling cutely.

He doesn't like to get messy with blood, most of his damages are internal. Or quick.

Song: Pacify her/Cake.



Stalker yandere.

Under the darkness of the night, Hallow follows you silently. Being able to turn into a bat really helps while your in the store and he needs to hide.

You're his, you just don't know it yet.

He just wants to make sure you're safe that's all, you don't know what kind of weirdos are out at night.

No one dares to try and hurt you, those yellow eyes are enough to scare anyone off.

Other times, when someone stops you to talk to you, He stands behind you without you noticing. His eyes glaring daggers into their souls and they quickly run from you, much to your confusion.

He stole one of your scarfs and wears it all the time.

He helps you without you noticing. Extra money seems to appear in your purse, random groceries appear in your pantry. And new clothes are always sitting in your closet.

He'll get you anything.

He just can't get the courage to talk to you.

Song: An unhealthy obsession.



Stalker yandere.

Similar to Hallow, Coby keeps a close eye on you. He's always where you are, you just can't see him.

Sometimes he bumps into you on purpose, playing it off as an accident. He loves to see your reaction every time. Cute and startled.

Our gorgon will do anything to make sure you're safe. Anyone who tries to hurt you or even hit on you, gets petrified on the spot.

Other times he poisons them with a massive bite in their throat, melting their insides with the toxin's. The whole time their paralyzed.

Coby always needs to be near you or he'll have a panic attack.

He's even taken you out for coffee a few times, you had no idea how happy he was when you said yes to a date with him.

Song: My obsession by skillet.



Possessive yandere.

He's always with you, you're his mate and he wants to be there with you at all times. 

Asher always has his ears perked in case of danger, he carries you most of the time home until you start living with him.

He'll growl at anyone who tries to get near you, baring his teeth. He'll wait till the next full moon to deal with them later.

Prepare for lots of cuddles from our lovesick wolf, he wants you close as possible. He's marked you with his scent, always refreshing it anytime you both cuddle.

He's your own personal guard dog.

Song: The wolf.



Secret yandere.

His obsession is hidden behind that constant poker face of his. His lavender eyes always seem to brighten at the sight of you.

He loves it when you sit in his lap while he reads to you. He'll smell your hair, loving the smell as it calms him.

He'll sew you blankets to replace the ones he's stolen from you. They are plush and soft, and they smell like him. Making him smile even more now that you smell like him.

If any of the Outcasts try and speak with you, one look up at the ceiling makes them freeze and leave the room quicker then a bat out of hell.

Although Fear prefers to stay home in his room with you, he'll only leave the house if its with you. Usually to the library or a cafe.

In public he shows more of his spider qualities, fangs, eyes and legs just to scare away anyone who gets to close.

He wants what's best for you, even if that means he has to tie you up and hide you in the attic stuck in webbing.

Song: Twisted.



Aggressive yandere.

He would never hurt you, no, unless you disobey him.

"Angel, what have I told you about talking to shit?" He'll hiss, the room burning with irritation.

You aren't allowed to leave the house unless its with him. And the whole time at the store his body heat rages in anger.

Anyone who speaks to you gets a heel stomped on their throat and third degree burns.

Their is an L burned into your neck for everyone to see who you belong to.

"Angel, I don't give a f**k if your family misses you. They can go to hell with the rest of the f**kers who want to take you from me!"

He's very jealous, keep that in mind.

Song: This is love. Air traffic controller.


Amour smiles, tapping his scissors on his chin. "So, what do you think?"

"I- I think I prefer them normally.." You shake in nervousness.

Amour nods. "I thought so. Leave the obsession to me sweetie. Its what I'm best at.~"

Just as you turn to leave, you hear him chuckle.

"I mean, why else do you think our mother has no love life?"

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