Undying love.

527 11 37

I'm on a Candyhearts only phase rn. Idk why. Oh well, enjoy!

(Imagine: Hallow singing 'I'm not gay'. I may animate it one day.)


The vampires eyes lingered on the angel who was currently speaking with his one of his clients on the phone. His giggle making his soul flutter.

"Hallow? Hey! Are you even listening?" Asher asks, snapping his fingers in the bats face a few times.

The vampire shakes his head. "Vwhat? Sorry.. I got distracted.."

The wolf snickers. "Yeah I can tell. Why haven't you told him you like him yet?"

Hallows cheeks flush a bright orange. "I'm not gay! I just think he's cute. Okay?"

The wolf shakes his head. "Nots not what your blush is telling me. Hallow I don't care if you're gay or not, just talk to him already."

"Its Cupid though! How am I supposed to talk to him about love and shit when its him I've loved for years!?" Hallow shouts, quickly coveting his mouth.

The angel looks over his shoulder at the two of them, after a shooshing motion he rolls his eyes and continues to speak on the phone.

Asher smirks. "Pfft, You're so lucky he's on the phone."

Hallow crosses his arms. "Shut up.."


"Hallow, can you come here for a second?" Cupid calls up the stairs, his hand on his hip while his other hand held a wooden spoon.

Asher sends the vampire a wink, who huffs with flushed cheeks before pausing the game to leave the room

Cupid holds out the spoon for the small bat to land on. "Hey Hallow, I made some strawberry pound cake. I figured you'd want the first slice."

The fuzzy bat nods his head, allowing the angel to carry him into the kitchen covered in pink.

Cupid sliced the cake evenly and slid the plate over to the candy themed vampire with a smile.

Hallow returns the smile and takes a forkful of the cake slice, his eyes widen. "Cupid, this is delicious! What's your secret?"

The angel giggles crossing his arms over his chest. "Love of course. But yours is a special slice." He winks.

The vampires cheeks flush and he quickly turns to finish his cake while the love angel made his way around the kitchen.


The vampire and the werewolf sat in the living room, chips and snacks covered the coffee table. Many smashed soda cans tossed aside lazily while a corny horror film played.

"Oh imagine that, let's go to a f*cking farmhouse and yell hello into the darkness!" Hallow chuckles, tossing candy corn in his mouth.

Asher coughs on his popcorn as he nearly cries from laughter. "Oh fook!  Look if they're having sex you know what that means!"

His friend nods. "Death! Thats basically a invitation to kill them first." Hallow rolls his eyes as the teens on the tv ran into the woods.

"Hey, did you know Cupid has a heart stamp on the end of his rail bone?"

The vampire chokes on the candy pieces he was currently chewing, he ends up spitting them on his self.


Asher elbows him in the side. "Its only a rumor. You should see if its true!"

"Shut the f*ck up." The flustered skeleton mutters, quickly grabbing a soda to heal his throat.

The wolf just laughs in response.


Six skeletons sat in a circle in the middle of the living room, each of them telling embarrassing truths or doing stupid dares.

Until Coby got the idea for hide and seek.

"What the f*ck, we aren't five!" Lockheart mutters.

Cupid smiles. "Oh come on, it'll be fun! Our house is huge there's tons of places to hide!" 

"Very well, who is going to be it?" Fear asks, crossing his arms and looking down at the group from the ceiling.

Asher raises his hand. "I'll do it!"

With that said, one by one of the skeletons took off in separate directions, in a rush.

Asher put a hand on the vampires shoulder. "Hey, you should hide in the closet."

Hallow sends him a side glare. "I'm not going back in there."

"Pfft..that's not what I meant. I mean, That's where Cupid is~"

The bat eared skeleton scoffs and shoved his friend playfully before rushing out of the room.

The Irish skeleton chuckles to himself and turns to start counting.


"Did they seriously just lock us in the f*cking attic?" Hallow huffs.

Cupid shakes his head. "It seems that way. I'll never understand them."

Hallow rolls his eyes and plops next to the angel. "At least we've got your halo as a lamp. Its darker then my soul in here."

The pink clad skeleton snorts. "Shouldn't you be used to the darkness? I mean, you are a vampire."

"Cupid, I've been inside most of my life." He chuckles.

"Oh." The angel replies.

"Vwe can probably get out of the vwindow if we can get it open." The vampire walks over to the far side of the room.

Cupid skips over to the window to join him. "What about you kick it? You've got thick legs."

His cheeks flush a light orange. "Uh.. Thanks. Maybe that'll vwork.."

Cupid smiles. "You know, I do know of your little crush on me. You weren't very subtle about it."

"Y-.. How.. You k-knew?"

The angel nods, cheeks flushed a light pink. "Yeah, I am the love god after all. I could feel it, your soul glowed brighter around me, and I felt the butterflies you had."

From his words alone, the dark attic  around them glowed a soft orange from the hum of the vampires soul.

Cupid smiles and takes his hands in his. "I've.. Only had eyes for you, even when we were fighting.. I felt like there was more to us then that.."


Dull fangs meet his as the angel stands on his toes, their souls warming the other.

"I love you dummy." Cupid giggles. "Now let's get out of this dusty attic."

The vampire shakily nods, his cheeks still a burnt orange even as he kicks open the window.

Cupid giggles and pecks his striped cheek. "Thanks Honeybat."

Hallow smiles and pulls the angel up into a bridal style, before flying out the window.


"I honestly didn't expect him to make the first move, but I'm glad he did..." He smiles, cheeks flushing a little at the memory.

Pumpkin claps her hands. "Aww! Its so sweet!"

Cupid softly smiles, pecking his husbands cheek after he sets a plate of sugar cookies on the table next to them both, before leaving the room.

"Daddy, I know its weird, but where was I conceived?"

Hallow lifts a brow. "I think you've spent too much time at Uncle Romeos. But, if you must now, the center of the garden under the cherry blossom."

"Ew! I do my homework there!"

"Vwell you asked."

"Stop it!"

Cupid laughs to himself hearing his daughter from the kitchen.

End..! Have some fluff. I'm bored and have no idea what to write.

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