Birthday danger noodle.

370 18 28

Happy birthday to our snake headed idiot Coby~!

Why does it feel like I just wrote his last b-day shot a while go?

Includes the shipping of PoisonousLust. Since I have problems.



Coby let out a yawn, running a hand through his hair of snakes, waking them up as well. Greenie bit his hand out of annoyance.

"Ugh. What time is it?" He looks over at his nightstand and his eyes widen once he sees the date.

"Holy snake shit its my f*cking birthday!" He jumps out of his bed, rushing to get one of his favorite outfits, and to hop in the shower real quick.

Greenie shakes her head, grabbing his gold shades with her mouth as he rushed down the hallway into the bathroom.


The gorgon stands in the doorway of the kitchen with a cocky grin on his face, sporting his gold rimmed shades. Green and black leather jacket with spikes on his shoulders, leather green belt and his lucky purple t-shirt. His vipers styled to the side, his silver fangs sparkling.

Hallow lifts a brow and returns the smile. "Hey birthday boy, someone looks happy."

Cupid beams and skips over to him with a plate full of green iced cupcakes with purple star shaped sprinkles. A 22 candle paced neatly in the center of the cupcakes.

"Happy birthday cobs." Cupid smiles, handing one of the cupcakes to Greenie, who swallows it in an instant.

Asher sends him a wave from the table. "Got any plans there scales?"

Coby shakes his head, wiping the icing off his face with a napkin. "Not that I know of, where's Creator?"

Suddenly he feels two arms snake around his waist, and giggling behind him. "Happy birthday dumbass. I f*cking love you."

He chuckles and returns the hug, lifting the short girl off of the ground as he does so. "Thanks Cc. Love ya too." He pecks her forehead.

Once back on her feet the horned woman hands him a small box. "Here you go nerd, I know its not much, but.. Take it anyway."

The gorgon opens the box, his smile widening once he sees the gold chained necklace with a cobra pendant.

He swings an arm around her shoulder, squeezing her in a side hug. "Thanks sugar. Means a lot, since you almost replaced me with lucky charms." He winks.

She sheepishly shrugs her shoulders and takes a seat next to Hallow. "Heh.. By the way, Romeo is waiting for you outside."

After latching the necklace around his neck he rest a hand on his hip. "Really? What does he want?"

Creator shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. You probably. ~" She winks, sticking her tongue out playfully.

Coby's cheeks flush a light purple, he shakes his head and leaves the kitchen to see what the demon wanted.


The familiar purple convertible made the gorgon chuckle, recognizing the pink rims with hearts for the bolts.

Even the demon resting on the hood of the hot rod made him snicker, Romeo even dressed up as well.

He wore a sparkly purple cocktail dress, a heart belt with a gold buckle. A leather jacket with a pink puffy hood, thigh high fishnets with his signature black heart heeled boots.

Coby tried to keep his eyes off of the demons thick legs, those tight leather straps didn't help his situation at all. "Hey Rome's. Somethin' ya needed?"

Romeo tilts down his heart shades. "There the birthday boy, well since I thought you deserved a break. I thought we could go out."

Coby lifts a brow. "Really? Thanks R, anywhere specific?"

Romeo smirks. "Oh you know where exactly. ~"

The gorgon felt his soul thump at the demons tone.


It wasn't even nine yet, yet the gorgon already found himself tipsy, he danced on the table tops as girls surrounded him.

Romeo had so many dollars in his belt, he lost count after two hundred, he swayed his hips for the women making them cheer.

A bell had rang, as two dancers took their place, Coby dizzily swayed his way over to the front door, for some fresh air since his head was swimming.

Once outside, he leaned against the side of the club, pinching the bridge of his non nose, his vipers had passed out cold over an hour ago.

He hears clicking of heels as the incubus joins him outside, currently counting the dollars from his belt.

"You sure you don't want to work here full time? They were loving you in there." He snickers, returning the bills to his belt.

Coby shakes his head. "N-nah, I've got the salon to take care of, its pretty fun though. I see why you do it."

Romeo rest a hand on his hip, sticking it out while his tail swishes. "Honey, creator literally designed me to entertain. Look at my hips baby, I'm built like an hour glass." He winks.

Coby's cheeks flush. "Uh y-yeah.. Its.. Really hard not to look.."

"Really?" Romeo hums, a playful smirk on his face as he got closer to the snake headed skeleton, cornering him.

Coby's cheeks flush a vibrant purple as he gets backed up into the brick wall, Romeo' hands pinning his wrists above his head, and one thick leg high against the wall, successfully pinning him.

"Its cute how you keep up your bad boy facade, yet here you are looking like a sugar plum. Cute.~"

The magenta eyes only glow brighter, as his tail trails up his legs.

"Who knew you were a sub?" He snickers.

The night begins to blur as soon as the demons teeth meet his in a kiss.


The gorgon groaned swatting at the hands poking him. "Quit it, I have a hangover.."

A gruff voices replies. "Yeah I noticed move your ass or I'm kicking it. Take this f*cking coffee shit head."

"W-wheres my shades?"

"Don't worry about your stupid douche glasses. Your eyes are glazed over from all the f*cking alcohol. Dumbass." Lockheart rolls his eyes, leaning against the dresser with his arms crossed.

After taking a sip of the warm coffer the gorgon sits up, clutching the side of his skull.

"By the way, Romeo got called into work. But he wanted me to make sure you didn't fall and break your legs. If you can even walk." Lockheart smirks, leaving the room with a swish of his tail.

Coby's cheeks flush a neon purple and he quickly hides in his pillow.

"Happy f*cking birthday dipshit!" He hears Lockheart yell from the hallway.

The gorgon groans and hisses in reply, making the devil laugh.

End..! Coby is officially three years old! :3

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