Helping hand. (Candyhearts)

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Creator is Hallupid trash I'm sorry.

I started to ship it since Hallow almost never got requested, and Cupid's didn't get as many reads as Ashers, Cyrus or Gaels.

And enemies to lovers is the best. ^w^

Also how the fuk can I make Outcast plushies!? I f*cking want them! But I can't sew for shit!


Hallow tossed and turned in his bed, his mind running a mile a minuet. His own cold soul wouldn't stop humming.

He finally sits up and cups his blushing cheeks. He's had that dream again.. Why does he always wake up just as it gets to the good part?

The vampire sighs and grabs his phone off his bedside table, hitting speed dial on a certain demons phone number.

After a ring or two of 'Dirty mind' A chuckle was heard over the line. "Oh, hello batty boy. Need something?" Romeo's tone only made his cheeks flush more orange than ever.

"I.. I had that dream again.. Romeo what am I supposed to do?" He asks, running his hand down his striped face.

The demon chuckles. "Why don't you ask Cupid that question?"

Hallow's eyes widen. "Vhwat!? No! I can't go to him for advice! Its him I like!"

"Oooh. I guess that is a problem, sucks to be you batty boy. But listen, keeping your feelings bottled up is unhealthy.. Just tell him how you feel, Cupid is pretty chill about that shit. Even if he doesn't except your feelings, just chill out like nothing happened. All that matters is the two of you are still friends, right?"

"Right.." Hallows ears fold back sadly, he let's out a sigh. "Any.. Ideas how I could tell him?"

"Ask him for sum fuk."

Hallows ears perk as his eyes widen. "What!?"

Romeo laughs and pounds his fist on a nearby table. "I'm just f*cking with you. But seriously, that dumb party is tomorrow right? Get him alone if you can and tell him. And don't chicken out or I'll kick your Halloween jack-o-lantern ass!"

Hallow feels his nerves calm a little, he sighs again. "Alright, thanks Romeo."

"Uh huh. Now, I gotta go some bitch just walked in. And don't forget to get you some angel ass." Romeo smirks and hangs up the phone before Hallow can reply.

Hallow huffs and plugs his phone onto the charger, then lays on his back again. "Why am I friends with him?"


Hallows nerves had gotten the better of him all day. Many times he tried to tell Cupid or leave hints, he always became a babbling mess before flying away leaving Cupid confused.

Like in the garden, he found the Angel picking orange roses for the party later tonight, smelling them with a small smile.

"Hey." Hallow greets with a wave.

"Hey Hallow." Cupid smiles, waving with his free hand.

"I vwish I vwas that rose.." Hallow whispers.

"What?" Cupid lifts a brow.

Hallows cheeks flush. "I said you're gross." The bat quickly speed walks out of the garden.

Cupid shrugs his shoulders and stands, walking along the path to the purple roses next.


Hours later, the party was in full swing. Coby danced on the coffee table with a lampshade on his head, he was dressed up as Medusa with a metal bra over his ribs.

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