Into the depths.

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Part 1, of many random horror short stories that I thought would be fun to write for October! Or as I'm calling it, Shook-tober!

Not all of these are x-readers, not everyone has to die!

~Not for those who are scared of the ocean and what lurks within it.~


"Oscar? What if we can't find it?" A blonde asks the tall male next to her, who was currently checking the oxygen tanks for the fifth time.

He smiled at her. "Well, even if we don't find it, at least we had fun right?"

Wendy smiles, her cheeks flush a little. "I guess you're right, maybe this could be fun. Treasure or no treasure!"

He chuckles. "That's the spirit! Now, let's get in the water!" Oscar beams and dives under the murky water after putting on his scuba mask.

Wendy sighed and gently patted her stomach. "We'll tell him later.." She softly smiles then puts on her gear, then dives under the depths.


The water around the two of them was cold and dark, it was hard to see inches in front of your face. Not even your hand could be seen.

Wendy kept close to her husband, following his flashlight's beam, it barely did anything against the darkness of the cold waves.

The two of them decided to take a dive near the Bermuda triangle, thinking a treasure would be found if they swam deep enough.

The two of them were financially fine! Yet her husband thought it would be amazing to dive for hidden treasure! Yet.. With all of the stories of ships and sailors disappearing at the infamous water mark, it put her stomach in knots.

The water only got colder the deeper they went, Wendy hugged herself, paddling with her legs. Oscar kept leading her with his light, yet he seemed to be going deeper.

Wendy suddenly got a chill down her spine... Her sixth sense telling her that they weren't alone. She turns her head and sees a bright teal glow of eyes staring into her very soul.

She gasps, quickly grabbing her husbands shoulder, shaking it to get his attention. He turns to her in concern, tilting his head.

"What?" He asks, taking her hands in his, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles in an attempt to sooth her.

"I saw something!"

"Baby, we're in the ocean, there's tons of sea creatures swimming around here with us. It was probably a dolphin!" He chuckles.

"No! It was huge! Its eyes- they they-"

"Baby look!" Oscar points to a shipwreck, it was an old pirate ship. Sunken deep below the waves, seaweed covered its tattered sails.

Many clownfish swam in and out of it, broken wood covered the sandy floor of the ocean. Sunken barrels and old boots tossed to the side... Along with skeletons.

"This has to be it! We have to see if the treasure is here! Come on!" He grabs her hand and quickly paddles over to the ship.

Wendy feels that chill again, her anxiety only getting worse as they approached the sunken ship. "But what about-"

Suddenly, a school of fish had swam by the both of them in a hurry, a trail of blood behind them.


"Wendy, its alright! Its just mother nature!" He scoffs, swimming down to the chest he had found.

Wendy nervously follows after him, letting him go into the captains quarters, while she waited for him.

Oscars eyes widened at the sight of all the jewels, coins, gems, diamonds, pearls and booty that had been hidden in the chest. His smile widens. "Wendy, you have to see this! I knew it was real!"

He begins to pocket the coins, a fee of the Ruby's, and a jewel or two. Until his eyes sparkle at the sight of a jewel lined crown sitting on its own in the corner of the room.

It was gold with aquamarine gems, each shaped like a rhombus.

Oscar is in awe, he drops all of the treasure from his pockets, slowly swimming out to the crown with his hand out.

However, it was yanked away into the darkness at the blood curling scream of his wife.

"Wendy!?" Oscar quickly swims out from the small room, out into the open ocean searching desperately for his beloved.

His wife however, was no where in sight, nothing of her remained. Except, the water had been tainted red with the blood of his beloved.

The poor male felt tears mix into the water. "I should have- I should have-" He muttered, missing the eater shift behind him.

A large shadow loomed over him, the water had gotten much colder, making his teeth chatter as he quickly hugged himself.

He slowly turned his head only to meet eyes with a pair of glowing teal ones, it's teeth sharp in a smirk, torn flesh between them, its fins lined with toxic spines, teal scales glowed in the moonlight under the waves.

Its tail at least nine feet long, long beautiful black and teal fins flowed behind it, shiny to the eye. In its webbed hands sat her head.

The monster smiled at the man, simply dropping the head and letting it float to the bottom of the sandy floor.

The crown he lusted after, sat upon its messy black locks. It chuckled.

Oscars eyes widen in fear, his blood had run cold, he turned to get away...

The massive tail constricted his legs, their barbs digging into his skin as their poison entered his bloodstream. Claws sliced into his throat, clawing it out. Lustful singing was heard as the last bit of oxygen left his lungs.

You'll be seeing me in your dreams, but..

I'll be there when your reality drowns.

Outcast oneshots #2 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum