Knight in shining fedora.

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Gael x reader! I wanted to write this yesterday but wattpad was being difficult..

Anyway, my tumblr is set up now! I'll be posting random outcast moodboards soon! And character bio's!

I'm OutcastMomma btw.

Feel free to send me fanart!

Working at your uncles bar wasn't exactly the best job in the world. But, it got you money. Even if you had to deal with the disgusting dudes who would hit on you regularly.

None of them had gotten handsy yet, until today.

You were handing in orders left and right, one after the other. It was pretty crowded tonight. Being a Friday.

A few monsters drank and shared stories filled with hiccups and one of them had fallen out of his chair.

Mostly humans tonight, which all had their eyes on you. Which made you silently gag and shiver in disgust.

The door opened and in walked a skeleton monster? He wore a fedora with a green and black striped band around it.

A golden four leaf clover on his cheek, highlighting his forest green eye lights. He walked with his hands in his pockets as he made his way up to you. At the bar.

He took a seat across from you. He wore a black vest with a green undershirt, a bow tie and a pair of striped pants to match his hat. Penny loafers shined to perfection. 

He laid an arm on the counter, his hands covered in black gloves. He smiles once he catches you staring.

"Top of the morning to ya darlin.' See somethin' ya like?" He snickers, lifting his fedora so you can see his refined face.

He was quite the looker, you were surprised he didn't have a swarm of girls chasing him. With that charming smile of his, it made your cheeks flush.

His heavy Irish baritone sent a shiver down your spine in a way that made your knees weak.

"It's okay, I don't mind. The name's Lucky G. Nice ta meet cha sugar." G grins, drumming his phalanges on the counter.

"I'm y/n." You shyly smile, cheeks pink from the chick magnet skeleton in front of you.

You were a little worried that under those gloves he had a wedding ring.. It sent your stomach in knots.

"I'll take a Scotch on the rocks, darlin.'" He grins, sliding you a fifty across the bar.

"Lucky, this is far more then its worth!" You tried to slide it back, but his warm hand curled it back in your fingers.

"Nah, for you lass? Keep the change." He winks, fangs sparkling with that smile of his.

"T-thank you Lucky." You smile, tucking it away in your shirt pocket.

G sends you a nod and takes out his smart phone to check something or other.

With a giddy smile and feeling like a school girl you take the order and leave it in the window for your uncle to get it.

But your smile fell as a whistle was heard from your side, making you sigh in disgust.

One of the guys were hitting on you again, he reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. And some cheap perfume from some thot.

He watched as you walked over to him reluctantly, a note pad in your hands. "Can I help you?"

"You sure can babydoll.~ me and the guys are wanting to get wasted! Give us your strongest shots.~!" He sticks his tongue out at you, licking his lips as his buddies laughed.

You sighed and nodded. "Alright, be right back-"

But as you turned to walk away, a loud slap echoed as his hand got a good grab of your rear.

You froze and dropped your note pad, tears in your eyes. But before you could raise your voice, a fedora blocked your vision.

G stood in front of you, holding the man's wrist painfully tight in an iron grip. "Listen bucko, I'm only gonna say this once. Don't cha ever fookin' do that again of I'm endin' ya."

The human rolled his eyes. "Oh wow really scary. Don't you have a Halloween store to be hung up in?"

"Don't say I didn't warn ya." G chuckles, his eyes flashing gold as he quickly slammed the man down on the table, it broke in half as poker chips went flying. Bones cracked from the mans nose.

"What the f**k?" One of his buddies yell in fear, quickly grabbing his jacket and running out the bar, the other guy following him.

"Now, do I make myself clear?" G smirks, his shiny loafer tainted with blood as it dug into the human's back.

He painfully nodded and G kicked his ass one more time before grabbing him by the hair and throwing him on the floor.

He dusts off his hands and turns to you. "Are ya okay lass?" He asks, looking over your face and eyes.

You nod and quickly hug him, you were a little taller than him. He's shocked for a moment then he wraps his arms around your shoulders.

"Thank you g.." You sniffle into his shoulder.

"Gael. Anything for ya darlin' no one deserves to be grabbed like that. Fookin' disgustin' I'll tell ya that much." He chuckles patting your back.

Gael walked you home that night, keeping an eye light on any unlucky sap that tried to look at you funny.

He even gave you his business card. You had a feeling that you'd see him again.

Warmth filled your soul remembering his grassy scent.

End! Hope you enjoyed! :3

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