A day in the ladies mansion.

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I love ma girls. Gotta have them pop up every now and then!

(And they are more fun to draw)


Creator stood there with an eager smile as she waited by the front doors of the newly built mansion.

Candi ran up to her with her arms out, immediately tackling her mother with a massive hug. "Mom! Its soo good to see you again!" She squeals, her wings fluttering out of excitement.

The stomping of angry heels did not go unnoticed. Locket walked up to the porch with a huff carrying two massive suitcases. "Candi! Carry your own shit! My f*cking back is killing me!"

Creator laughed and took the suitcases from her horned daughter. "No problem. I'll take care of these, go ahead and pick your rooms."

Locket rolled her eyes but sent her mom a final wave before entering the mansion. Her heels loud against the wooden floors.

Candi giggled and followed after her, her cheeks pink from her own excitement.

A small bat flew in and landed on the railing of the porch, it having a massive candy corn bow on one of its ears.

She poofed into a tall skele girl. Wearing a pumpkin puffy dress with a black leather jacket thrown over top of it. Her legs covered with orange and purple striped leggings.

"Hello creator." She smiles a fanged smile as she waves her gloved right hand. "This place is way better then my apartment in Russia."

"Hi Holly! I'm glad you like it, you can go and pick your room if you'd like. I've got to wait for the other three." The horned girl smiles at the vampire.

Holly returns the smile then enters the mansion, her orange heels clicking softly against the steps. Did I mention she has candy corn for heels?

"Its good to have them all in one place." Creator mumbles happily.

A taxi had pulled up at the end of the driveway, a timid girl stutters out a thanks as her and the other skele girl hop out of it with suitcases of their own.

The two of them walk up the gravel driveway, Ashes being much taller and faster then the other female. She ran up the driveway!

The wolf eared girl sends her creator a grin and ruffles her hair. "Heya C.C! Still being antisocial I see?"

The girl rolled her eyes and hugged the Wolfie girl. "Nice to see you too Ashes. How was the trip?"

Ashes shrugged her shoulders. "The taxi guy was an arse. But what can you do?" The werewolf enters the mansion with her pony tail swishing behind her.

Connie silently walked up the porch steps, her suitcase rolling behind her as she hid behind her hair. She nervously smiled. "H-hey Creator. T-thanks for the invite."

The gorgon is pulled into a hug from her creator. "Go ahead and get settled Connie, I'll join you all in a bit."

She shyly nods and enters the mansion with her hands in her pockets and her head low.

"Must she always be such a downer?" A voice asked, startling the horned girl and giving her a fright.

"Charlotte. You scared me! Um.. Welcome back?" Creator smiled nervously at the widow, she towered over her with that judgemental stare in her lavender eyes.

She wore a navy blue coat dress with a grey turtleneck underneath it. A funeral veil over her face, the back of her dress had a large bow with its ribbons flowing down her back. Small black heels with hourglasses for heels. Her glasses framed her face beautifully.

"What's with the veil?" Her creator asks tilting her head.

Charlotte simply grins. "My husband died."

Her creator nervously smiled and stepped aside for the spider to enter the mansion. Creator following after her locking the door behind them.


"Look how cute my room is!" Candi giggles jumping on her bed much to her sisters annoyance. Locket growled.

"Do you have to be so annoying?" She hisses, while trying to paint her claws a sassy red. Having trouble focusing due to her bubbly sister.

"Fine be a grumpy meanie! I'm going to make us some cookies!" Candi smiles, hopping off her bed to run out to the others.

"Good. Get the f*ck out of here." Locket rolls her eyes and starts to file her claws.


Candi makes her way around the kitchen with a quick pace, stirring a bowl of fresh frosting, sprinkling sprinkles on cupcakes, and keeping an eye on the oven.

The sweet scents only caught the nose of the sweet toothed bat, Holly entered the kitchen with her ears perked. "Candi? Is that you?"

The angel twirls on her heels with a smile. "Yep yep! I'm making cupcakes, sugar cookies and brownies! Please help yourself!"

The vampire takes one of the red frosted cupcakes and takes a bite of it. Her eyes widened, it was the sweetest thing she's had in forever!

"Candi these are amazing!?" She praises her with a frosting covered smile.

"Aww! Thank you! I try." The angel replies. "They are all made from scratch you know!"

Holly's cheeks burn a slight orange at her giggles. "..no kidding huh?"

Candi nods with a smile. "Nope!"


Finally once the sun had set and the moon had risen, each of the girls sat at the dessert table.

Ashes quickly took all the peanut butter cookies, most of them all over her face.

Connie silently fed her vipers a few sugar cookies while she kept her eyes down. A soft smile was on her face, showing her braces.

Locket actually smiled while she ate her cherry pie slice, her wings would flutter happily but she'd quickly cross her arms and pretend they didn't do that.

Holly sat next to Candi with her cheeks flushed as she ate silently, Candi kept sharing romance stories that only made Locket cringe.

"Why are you wearing that thing on your face?" Ashes asks the widow who was currently drinking sweet tea and eating a small helping of banana pudding.

"I ate my husband after he tried to get sexual with me. I crushed his skull like a grape between my teeth." She replies casually.

Candi drops her fork, her eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"I've been married six times. Each of them get the same fate. Which is why I wear the veil." Charlotte says with a sinister grin.

Each of the girls at the table get a chill down their spines at the look in her eyes.

"Maybe we should call you Lady Phobia.." Ashes suggests with her ears down.

The widow smiles. "You're right, you all should be scared of me.~" She giggles.

"Y-you have lovely lipstick!" Connie mutters trying to change the subject.

"Thank you Connie, but its not lipstick~"

Everyone of them goes silent.

"Okay nope! F*ck this shit I'm out!" Locket gets up from the table and bolts out of the dining room.

Charlotte only giggles which only scares the ladies at the table even more.

Hope you enjoyed! I love writing for my girls!

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