Matchup #9

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Omg my book has 80 parts now. 0_0

Btw who drew the pic above? Credit to you hun, I'm sorry my memory is total shit.

brattylittlefangirl I match you with Fear!

"Darling, there is nothing wrong with being weird. Have you seen the madness I have to live with?" The spider asks you with a smile.

Fear has injured one of his legs in the past, luckily you were there to help him. Your thoughtful and kind nature made the spider's cold soul thump in admiration.

He loves to look over your small rock collection, he knows each mineral. "Darling, this is such a lovely quarts. You have to tell me where you've found it."

He doesn't understand your love for Candy Corn, but you can count on him to swoop down from the ceiling and steal it from his batty roommate for you.

Although more of a spring spider, he will go outside during the winter months only for you though. If anyone else tries to get him to join a snowball fight, they'll have to dodge the large boulder he threw.

"Darling, there is nothing wrong with being nerdy. I mean, you're looking at the biggest book nerd there is."

He never fails to make you smile.

Fear doesn't see why you're scared of spiders, but if he hears you scream because of one. He'll always be sure to eat it in the other room.

Needles though....

"F*ck no!" He shrieks, crawling up the wall, holding you against him, as he shakes. Well, at least you both have that fear.

(You're not alone I've always hated them)

"Darling, if you're scared of spiders.. Why are you fond of me?" He asks, his lavender eyes meet yours. Silently afraid of your answer.

The two of you sit in a comfortable silence as he lays in your lap while you draw in your sketch book. Soft purring can be heard from the widow below you.

"Darling, regardless of your sexuality, I will always love you. Just don't expect any relations with me, unless you have a death wish." He smiles and pats your head.

He may not be the most affectionate monster, but he makes sure you know that you're loved.

The elegant white roses he sets on your bed everyday is a constant reminder.

Hope you enjoyed! ^w^

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