The best thing thats ever been mine.

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Mari x reader. Because we could all use a bit of our puffy bee in our lives right now.

Including your sad author-chan.

Fun yet sad fact: I have so many characters to hide the fact that I'm depressed. They make me happy to write about. And I love to make people smile everyday with my dumb stories.

Thank you all seriously, I love you guys. I can't thank you enough.


How you both met was the oddest thing. You were a girl lost in the city of London, so many people and things to see you had no idea how you entered the little flower shop at the end of the avenue.

He was the owner and the only hard worker of the place, he beamed with a bright smile as he saw you come in. Or stumble in.

He was at least five foot five, he wore a tan apron with the shops logo sewed into it, over a soft looking yellow and black striped sweater. Black jeans with tears in the knees and a pair of yellow converse.

He was a small skeleton monster, with bee features. Two antennas stuck out of his forehead, and blue transparent wings laid flat against his back, and a second pair of arms were behind his back.

He sends you a smile. "Hello there miss, can I help you with something?" He asks, tilting his head to get a good look at you with those lovely purple eyes of his.

As much as you've heard the British accent, it didn't sound as sweet as it did now coming from his mouth. It made your heart skip a beat.

"Um.. I'm sorry, but I think I got a little turned around." You nervously fiddled with your fingers.

He giggles and it makes butterflies flutter in your stomach. "Oh, a tourists huh? That's okay! I can show you around if you want? I know a lovely cafe a little ways from here."

"R-really? Thank you!" You smile, a tad pink blush on your cheeks as he removes his apron.

He chuckles. "Sure thing! Be right back!"

You lean against the doorway of the entrance and while you wait, you take in the decor.

The floor was in a honeycomb pattern, yellow and white hexagons lined together perfectly.

Many different kinds of flowers hung from the ceiling in the corners with their long vines, clearly well taken care of. On the shelves lined bouquets of many colors, mostly yellows and whites though.

On his counter, where the register laid, was a unfinished flower bouquet, daises set aside next to a few sunflowers.

To the left of the entrance was a small sitting area, with two yellow bean bag chairs and a tan circle shaped table, books stacked on top of it.

A faint smell of coffee and old books lingered in the room.

Above the table was one single painting of a black widow and a yellow jacket sitting on a bright yellow daffodil, peacefully.

Staring at it, oddly made you smile.

"Okay! I'm back!" He returns at your side, now wearing a yellow leather jacket with black cuffs at the ends of the sleeves. On each shoulder was a small bee patch.

He held the door open for you then locked up the shop behind you both, and gently took you hand to lead you down the busy streets.


The monster revealed his name to be Mari on your walk to the cafe. You held one of the hands of his extra arms while he used his others to talk.

Sometimes he would hover out of excitement, then blush and quickly go back to walking and pretending it never happened.

The cafe itself was oddly and creepily named: The widow's brew.

Inside it was mostly deep tones of blue and grey, a little bit of a subtle purple lingered in the seating area and decor.

It was mostly spider themed, with the webs in the corners. Red chairs at the bar like counter with a web runner down the counter.

Spider streamers hung around the edges of every table. The floors purple and black checkered squares. Bookcases on the corners filled with old books that must have been decades old or more.

The monster behind the counter who was currently reading, was half spider himself. He wore red glasses that framed his handsome face, a red turtle neck sweater and a navy blue trenchcoat buttoned over it neatly.

A single red hourglass was in the center of his forehead, his lavender colored eyes scanned over the pages. Four arachnid legs stuck out from his back, each of the tips being red.

Mari noticed your staring and smiled. "Don't worry, he won't eat you. He prefers muffins." He giggles and hovers over to the counter.


The spider turns his head almost on edge it seemed, until he laid all four of his eyes on Mari, then his eyes softened and he smiled, setting his book down.

He walks around the counter and scoops up Mari in his arms, hugging him tightly. "And where have you been?"

His voice was lower, and slightly unnerving, but pleasant to listen to with his heavy accent.

Mari giggles and hugs him back with each of his arms tightly. "Business has had me such a busy bee you have no idea!"

After setting him down, the spider's smile falls once he meets eyes with you. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, goosebumps lined your skin at his harsh glare.

"And who is this?"

Mari turns to you with a reassuring smile. "Sebastian, this is my friend y/n! She's a little lost, so I decided to show her around!"

You awkwardly smile as his lavender eyes glance over your whole form then deep into your eyes, judgmentally.

Sebastian sighs, adjusting his glasses before bowing to you. "My apologizes. Miss y/n, where are my manners? I am Sebastian Hastings, Mari's cousin, its lovely to meet you."

"N-nice to meet you too, Sebastian. Um.. This is a lovely cafe you own." You mentally curse yourself for stuttering.

The spider smiles. "Thank you, dear. Please take a seat while I make you both some biscuit's, I'll only be a moment."

And with that, the large spider slides back behind the counter and into a kitchen? While you and Mari find a booth to sit at.


You and Mari had talked for hours it seemed, Sebastian only piping in whenever you or Mari spoke to him. He didn't talk much, too busy focusing in his book.

Mari was a sweetheart, he had shown you around town with the sweetest smile you've ever seen.

He even gave you his number just in case you weren't sure where to go, or if you just wanted to talk.

One thing you knew was, you never believed in love at first sight as much as you did today.

Your heart still skipped a beat whenever you thought of the hornet.

End. Have some fluff hun, you deserve it. :)

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