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I hope this fricker publishes. Wattpad apparently hates it when I edit my stupid auto correct. -_-

Btw this is a work in progress, I love this new boy, even tho he was a boredom doodle.



Cyrus had been acting strange lately.

How you may ask? Well, his walking has been off, he's gotten severe headaches, and is always seen talking to himself. He's also been doing more repairs recently.

The rest of The Misfits were beginning to get worried, but no one was as worried as the hornet himself Mari.

Mari loved and cared for the android, he didn't want to see him hurt. But, talking to him was like talking to a brick wall.

Cyrus never was much of a talker, if there were anything wrong with him, he'd fix it himself. Being stubborn was one of his downfalls.

Together they had tried to get him to open up more, but Cyrus being Cyrus always seemed to push everyone away.

"I don't know what to do.. He won't even let me in his room." Mari sighed, head in his hands.

"Maybe Creator could get him to come out? She did invent him after all." Amour rested a hand on the hornet's shoulder.

Mari's antennas only folded more. "She's tried, he won't even listen to her. I'm really worried, I've never seen him like this. I just want to help him!"

Romeo sighed. "Stripes, sometimes people may seem like they don't need your help. But inside they don't realise how much they actually need it."

"Keep trying, you know how stubborn he is. But he'd do anything for you." Jasper pats the hornet's back.

Mari sighed. "Thanks you guys, I'll try again tonight."


Later that night, it was around one in the morning when the bee was startled awake by glass breaking.

He cautiously stepped out of his room, holding a crowbar in his hands just in case someone needed smacked.

"Amour, was that you?" Mari whispers, getting nothing in reply except the darkness of the mansion.

"Stop it.. I don't want to hurt them.."

Mari's antennas perk, and he quickly makes his way down the stairs, trying not to trip, luckily he didn't have his skates on currently.

What he found made his soul ache, Cyrus sat on the floor with a broken mirror next to him, holding the sides of his skull. Muttering to himself.


The android shook his head. "No.. Anything but that! I wasn't built for that!"

The hornet set the crowbar down and slowly approached the droid, one of his hands out. "Cyrus, its me Mari. Are you okay?"

Cyrus' teal eyes met with Mari's violet ones, they were filled with fear and it looked like he'd been crying.

His right arm sparked, even a few wires stuck out, he shivered in his ball on the floor.

"S-stay away from me.. He'll hurt you.."  Cyrus mutters, his voice glitches a few times as he speaks.

Mari's eyes widen. "Who are you talking about? Its just us Cy, please tell me what's been bothering you?"

"You can't get rid of me." Another voice cackles, his tone being sinister making Cyrus wince again.

Cyrus shakes his head. "He's taken over my systems, I t-tried to block him out, n-nothings w-w-working!"

The hornet grabs his shoulders. "What are you talking about! Snap out of it!"

"Th-theres not much time Mari please, get the others and- - - Run."

The androids eyes spark, flashing from teal to blue flickering with hot electricity.

His body shook as it fell onto the ground, the teal wires turning a deep royal blue, the metal becoming a shining silver.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, now you know.. Sorry.. S--sorry..." His voice is barely a whisper before his sockets got pitch black.

"Cyrus! Speak to me! Please I can't loose you!" The hornet cries, his arms wrapping around the cold droid, hugging him as tight as he could.

"Sike." The droid chuckles, shoving the hornet off of him harshly.

His eyes burned a deep electric blue as he grinned down at the bee, his smirk wide and sinister.

"Wh-what are you!?" Mari backs away from.. It in fear.

The thing laughs, lifting the hornet by the fluff in an iron grip. "Your worst nightmare, goodnight!"

After a harsh blow to the head, it all goes dark.


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