Not so alone anymore.

421 19 14

If anyone remembers, Jasper was originally a yandere before Amour existed.

Btw Jasper's headcannon voice for me is Owl city. Listen to Vanilla Twilight and you'll see what I mean. :3



The house you had moved into had been sitting awhile, not much was known about it. You didn't see a problem with it, it just needed a little tlc.

It was a two story house with an old fashioned look to it, it was built some time in the early twenties. It was over a hundred years old now.

Historical houses were ones you always loved. You loved to classic look of them, you were an old soul. You preferred the old things, the way things used to be.

They don't make them like they used to that was for sure.

The house itself was painted a lovely dark blue with white painted windows, a wrap around porch with a white picket fence around the property.

As far as you knew only a few other people had tried to live in it, but left quickly after only a few months. There were rumors it was haunted.

They even left some of their furniture. Oh well, more for you, you guess.

Your older brother had helped you with the repairs, even fixing the old stairs. And painting the walls where they needed it, even replacing the wallpaper as well.

Yet no matter how many candles you burned, it always smelled of sweet vanilla and calming lavender. It wasn't a bad smell, it was rather lovely although it was strange how the scent never left the house.

The attic had lots of old boxes, vintage chairs you took down to put on the front porch after you cleaned all of the spider webs off of them.

There was even a vintage vanity, the mirror had been broken and there was few perfume bottles, nail polish and even an old hair brush left behind.

Who ever left it, had beautiful long black hair, that's what the brush told you anyway.

In one of the boxes, you fold old pictures of a couple. They seemed to be happy in them, yet the woman's eyes told you otherwise.

There was a jewelry box in the windowsill, inside was two wedding rings. One lined with beautiful pearls, while the other was lined with lovely purple jewels.

Lastly, hidden in the bottom of it was a solid gold pocket watch, it ticked softly in your hands.

You had taken the jewelry box downstairs, and set it on top of your dresser for looks. Maybe you'd even put your own jewelry in it.

As for the pocket watch, you set it inside one of the drawers, as to keep it clean and keep it from being broken or stolen.

It had been months since you moved into the old house, yet nothing had happened or chased you away. Maybe the previous families had moved away for different reasons.

However, ever since you found that pocket watch, it felt like you weren't alone in your own home anymore. It was a welcoming presence, warm, and protective. Almost like a hug.

At night, you swore someone had tucked you in. Laid the newspaper out for you in the mornings, even the piano would play itself for you.

At first you didn't want to believe it, but you had to know if it was haunted for sure. Sure this ghost hadn't told you to get out, or thrown furniture at you, or dragged you down the hall yet.. But you wanted to be sure.

You had called the previous home owner that let you know of the place, wanting to get more answers.

"Hello?" Her voice says tiredly on the other line.

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