Doll-lightful addition.

441 20 19

Even if its a fnaf song, look up 'Lullaby Dies' By Rockit gaming. Its perfect for Stitches.

Enjoy ~!


Mari tilted his head, looking down at the box in his arms in confusion. He didn't order a package, did one of the others order something?

If they had, wouldn't have Cyrus told him about it?

"Cy, could you come in here for a second?" Mari asks, setting the surprisingly light for a big box down on the kitchen island.

He leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed, his second pair on his hips.

Cyrus had to duck under the doorway to enter the kitchen, his arms crossed as well. Yet his gaze softened upon seeing the hornet.

"Was there something you needed, Mari?"  He asks, stepping closer to him with a soft smile.

"Is this? I can't find a return address its really weird. And its none of our birthdays yet.. What do you think?" The jock asks, pointing to the box with curious antennas curling.

Cyrus shrugs his shoulders and briefly scans the box then lifts a brow. "There isn't anything dangerous in there, if that is what you were worried about. Its only a doll. Maybe a fangirl of yours sent it."

"You know, its kinda creepy that you can just scan things. Well thanks Cy, I guess I'll open it!" The hornet smiled, using a claw from one of his free hands to slice the tape in half.

Mari dumped the packing peanuts out of the box and smiled brightly once he had the small doll in his hands. The doll was barely a foot tall.

It looked just like a skeleton, much like them. Its face had been mended with stitches, you could tell it had been loved many times.

Mari squeals and hugs the doll, spinning on his skates in joy. Making Cyrus wince from the sudden loud noise.

"He's sooo cute! Ah! I love him!" Mari beams buzzing happily as he stopped spinning, now vibrating in place from happiness.

"Hey, what's all the fuss about?" Amour's sudden appearance causes Mari to drop the doll out of fright.

The doll had landed on its feet, standing perfectly on its own, to their horror it put its small hand in his overall's pocket and pulled out a...


Mari squeals in fright, lunging for Cyrus out of habit. "Mari! You're too big to be tackling me!"

Amour tilts his head and leans down to the dolls level, gently picking him up and using his free hand to read the letter.

Guys, this is Stitches. He'll be staying with you since Coby had a panic attack seeing him. And he scares the shit out of Lockheart. He also tried to kill Hallow, so..I trust you idiots to take care of him.

He is sentient and very smart. He is mute. Do NOT piss him off. I'm warning you.

Xoxo -Creator.

Amour read the letter aloud, his eyes meeting the cute mismatched buttons the doll had. And he smiles.

Cyrus sets the shaking hornet don't back on his feet, then lifts a brow at the doll. "So, the tiny tyrant is going to be living with us? Aren't you at least a little alarmed? She said he was dangerous!"

Amour shakes his head. "She said the same thing about you, all you do is eat ramen and play Mario kart. This is no different."

The android rolls his eyes.

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