The widower.

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Part 2 of my creepy fics for this month! Enjoy!


A young girl looked out her window, the house next door was a strange one. Many believed it was haunted, others said it was abandoned.

However, the boy that lived there rarely left his house. He and the young girl were around the same age, she's only seen him once.

He was very handsome, his skin pale from being cooped up in his home for so long. Snow white hair slicked back, a single red streak went through his bangs. Red framed glasses brought out the beauty in his lovely lavender eyes.

He rarely came out much at all, he only left for groceries twice a month. Or to step outside to grab one of the packages off his porch, he was very fond of books. Always ordering a new one.

He wasn't very tall, he wore muted dull colors, besides the bright red hourglass necklace he always wore. She noted, he was very interested in arachnids.

The girl felt pity for him, he didn't have any visitors, even the mailman never got too close to him.

Teens and children alike started making rumors about him.

They called him The Widower. No one knew his name. They say that he had a wife once, but it was rumored that he had killed her and ate her.

Yet, the girl didn't believe those silly rumors, no. He was far too young to had been married, and if he did have a wife, wouldn't she had seen her?

She shook her head and looked down at the package in her hands. The mailman had accidentally delivered one of her neighbors packages to her home instead, simple mistake.

She carefully held it tucked it under her arm, slowly making her way down the stairs, she had to return it to the boy next door.


Autumn leaves crunched under her shoes as she made her way down the sidewalk. She carefully opened the old iron gate that lead to his property.

The home itself was Victorian, very old fashion, as if it was something out of a Gothic fairytale, the outside painted a dull purple while the roof was black with withered shutters.

She walked up the few steps, finally standing in front of his front door. She reached out and rung the doorbell.

It rang loudly.

The girl awkwardly rocked on her feet, holding the package in her hands, giving it one last look over.

It wasn't heavy at all, but it felt like a hardback book. Maybe it was a rare signed one? Or was it on spiders again?

Suddenly, the front door had opened and her eyes met with a pair of lavender colored hues.

He was much more handsome up close... His bangs were combed neatly to the side, being held back by a red clip.

He wore a grey sweater, a navy blue trenchcoat covering it, his pants being a dark grey with a pair of felt boots with low heels.

He tilted his head in confusion. "Can I help you miss?"

Her eyes widen, and her heart flutters.

His voice was as soft as silk, soothing as a cats purr, laced with a lovely thick British accent.

He just got ten times more attractive. And it made her blush and advert her eyes.

"Um, there was a slip up in the mail! I thought you'd like this back!" She smiles nervously, her right foot tapping.

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