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When Draco stepped out of the fireplace, he had to take a second longer to confirm that it was his house.

Although Ashlyn wasn't the one to blow her top over cleanliness, she would have never let the place stay this way. It would have been presentable in the least. 

Butterbeer corks were strewn across the floor. Balls of yarn rolled around and there were cat food pellets all over the place, accompanied by cat fur. Torn bits of paper, stray empty bottles. Just then a few paper butterflies flew across his face, followed by a twittering flock of little paper birds.

He walked carefully across the room, avoiding stepping on any of the litter on the floor, wondering what on earth had happened to the place.

He was about to put his foot over a bottle when with a yowl something ran past him. A grey cat.

All right. He certainly had never seen that one.

Then he caught Nash's eye. The cat was sitting on the sofa with a scornful look. He looked up at Draco with an irate expression, then turned his head to the other side. 

Draco followed his gaze and saw a kitten, a brown tabby jumping at the paper butterflies. 

Draco blinked. 

He had never seen that one either. 

Nor the other one...Correction. The other ones...

He could see a white coloured tail peeking from under the little table. And there was another one...which knocked down the flower vase, shattering it.

At that moment, the front door flew open, and Ashlyn stepped in, balancing three large paper bags in her arms that obscured her face.

She put her arms down, and let magic do the rest of the work and turned to lock the door.

"I seemed to have missed a lot," Draco said getting her attention.

"Oh, you're back," Ashlyn said manoeuvring her way into through the house. "...Jeez, this place is a mess. I left for only half an hour,"

"I went to my place for a bit and I found them outside on the streets, abandoned," Ashlyn explained. "I couldn't just let them sit in the cold. Plus it was snowing,"

"So you brought them home?" Draco asked sitting down on the sofa, mirroring the indignant look Nash had on his face.

"Of sorts," Ashlyn said as she pulled her wand out and conjured food bowls and water trays.

"I took them to the vets obviously. I couldn't just get them, at least not without your opinion...but the vets' was closed today, so I'm keeping them for a bit,"

She moved her wand in one fluid motion, and all the empty bottle, the papers, the corks flew into the air and settled themselves in a heap, and then a box popped around them with the tag saying, 'To recycle'

Then she took to removing all the cat fur.

"I think it has something to do with my animagus form," she said slowly. "I seem to attract cats more than dogs,"

Draco's frown deepened as he imagined having a dog in the house. Chaos was all that came to his mind...

The trays filled themselves up and four cats scampered into the room.

"Good Merlin, there are four," Draco muttered, looking at each one in turn. There was a white munchkin, a brown tabby, a grey Scottish fold and a calico.

...Why did he know all the breeds again? 

Right, Ashlyn was mental about cats...and dogs, and hippogriffs, and dragons, and nifflers, and occamies, and acromantula, and any creature in particular, magical or otherwise. And it was about time he knew things like that, especially since Ashlyn had the habit of firing random facts and bits of knowledge, with no context what so ever.
He would be in the shower when she would call him from outside to tell him odd things. Like that one time when she told him that there was a whale which was lonely because no other whale could answer its mating call seeing as its call's 'frequency' happened to be a bit different. And then she would proceed to explain that whales communicated using 'echolocation'; which Draco had no idea about and Ashlyn would explain that too, and that whales usually 'sing'. And Draco would be there, under the shower, listening to her, half intrigued, half wondering why the hell it mattered to him.

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