Filler 2.002

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It was Dominique who swore. That itself should have told them that they were in neck-deep in trouble. 

Dominique never swears. 

"What do we do?" Rose whispered frantically. 

No one had an answer for her. 

Then James pulled his wand out.

"Oblivi—" he started.

With a flick of his own wand, Severus Snape disarmed him, and then summoned all their wands and held them hostage.

"You will explain," he said coldly.

"Well done, James," Albus said sardonically.

"Explain," Snape demanded.

The situation wasn't favourable to them at all. But they had to stall and find a way to go back. If Snape was alive right now, that meant Dumbledore was too, and he was considered one of the most powerful wizards ever. Which meant, they'd have to tell Snape and convince them to see Dumbledore...Unless it was the time after Dumbledore had died...

Hoping for the best, Lyra opened her mouth.

"Sir, we are from the future you see," she said. "Something had happened and we were brought here,"

And so, following Lyra's lead, they launched into an explanation...A chaotic explanation. With all six of them yammering away at the same time, it all sounded like a load of garbage.

"I came for the mirror!"
"Then it exploded!"
"I was practising a spell!"
"Time turner!"
"It broke!"

"Silence!" Snape bellowed and all of them shut up.

"You," he pointed at Lyra. "Explain,"

She gulped and said, "We are not really sure sir. We were in the Potions classroom. There was a Potion, which exploded, my brother was practising a spell and there was the time turner. I expect it all ended up mixing somehow and transported us here, in—"

She paused abruptly. Which year was it?

"Sir, which year is it?" Scorpius asked.

Snape glared at them, as though not believing a word they had said. Then grudgingly said,


There was silence as they made sense of everything. They exchanged pained glances. 

It was James who told what they were thinking out loud.

"We done fucked up,"

And they couldn't agree more.

"Sir," Rose said frantically. "Sir, can you take us to Albus Dumbledore? He must be there here, right?"

"I've never seen you before," Snape said.

"Of course you haven't," Albus said exasperatedly. "We told you! We're from the future! 2021!"

"Mr Snape, please," Dominique pleaded. "We need to see Albus Dumbledore,"

Snape drew himself to his full height, still glaring down at them. It seemed he was processing it all too. 

Then finally he said, "Follow me,"

And then stalked out of the room, with the other three scrambling after him.

"Our wands?" James asked.

Snape's silence told them that he was no less give them the wand than give them sweets.

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