Filler 2.015

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"Scorp," Albus called to the other boy.

"What?" Scorpius said yawning and going over.

Albus held out his map. "What are they doing?" he asked. The dots were labelled Draco Malfoy and Ashlyn Clarke. A bit too close than what one would have in case they were having a simple conversation.

"Please don't tell me they are snogging in the Forbidden Forest," Scorpius said wrinkling his nose.

"Which part is disgusting you?" Albus laughed. "Them kissing or the Forbidden forest?"

"Dude, imagine your parents making out," Scorpius said shuddering slightly.

"Well..." Albus said with a frown. Then he sighed. "But we've got to accept it. It's the truth of life. Our parents have done much more than making out. That's how we are here,"

"Will you shut up?" Scorpius cried, disgusted. 

"But it's true though," Albus laughed and looked at the Map again, and his smile slid off his face.

"Oh, shit," he said.

"What?" Scorpius said looking at the Map. 

"There," Albus pointed out. 

"Bartemius Crouch?" Scorpius said. Then it clicked. "It's today! That's why mum is out there. And look! Dad's leaving. She must have sent him away. See! The Champions are there, and are leaving after getting info about the third task,"

"We need to get there," Albus said jumping to his feet.

"What about the others?" Scorpius asked.

"Do we have to?" Albus said. "They'll just be put in more danger,"

Scorpius frowned for a second, then shrugged. "We'll call them when it gets serious," 

And then, hiding themselves, they bolted to the Forbidden Forest.

Slipping into the forest was harder than they thought. 

They couldn't really see anyone until a shield charm lit up the place. And then a green jet bounced off it.

"Crouch," Albus muttered looking at the man on the ground.

"Oh, shit," Scorpius said pulling Albus out of the way as streaks of light whooshed past their heads, illuminating the forest.

"Why the hell do they have to duel?!" Albus grumbled in frustration.

"We've got to help her," Scorpius said.

"But which one's her?" Albus said as spells flew from opposite directions.

"This one," Scorpius said consulting the map.

"Okay then," Albus said, pulling his wand out.

"Oh, fuck!" he cried. "That's the killing curse! It fucking looks like one!"

"Stupefy!" Scorpius said pointing his wand at the direction the Map said Crouch Jr was standing in.

It was deflected.

"Oh, crap," Albus said jumping behind a tree as a cruse missed him by an inch. "Duck," he called to Scorpius, and a red jet missed his head.

"Honestly, mum! Don't hurt me!" Scorpius cried as the stunner hit a tree, chipping off its bark and leaving a deep gash.

"How did you know it was your mum?" Albus said.

"Because she was using a Stunning spell," Scorpius said exasperatedly. "The other nutter, that fucking asshole is aiming to kill,"

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