The Epilogue

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"Scorp, have you got your trunk ready?" she asked.

"Yup!" Scorpius said from the table as his empty bowl floated towards the sink.

September first finally came by after a long summer, particularly for Scorpius who couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts finally.

Lyra was sulking. She still had a year left to turn eleven. 

"Which house do you think you'll be in?" Lyra asked her brother.

"Slytherin of course," Scorpius said proudly. 

"Anything but Hufflepuff," Draco whispered in Ashlyn's ear. She glared at him, then sighed. He had been particularly pushy about them not getting into Hufflepuff. He had gone around leaving hints everywhere, much to Ashlyn's disapproval.

"Do you think they'll be there?" Scorpius said. "I didn't get to owl Al,"

"You should just get married to him," Lyra spat. 

Ashlyn smirked. Well, she didn't mind. She had been building so many ships in the back of her head, and right now she was practically torn between, Scorose and Scorbus. And then again, it didn't help that she shipped Lyra and Albus.

"You're just jealous that I get to spend more time with Al than you do," Scorpius said raising his eyebrow pointedly.

Lyra picked up her fork and held it under his nose threateningly, glancing at her parents' turned backs by the counter to check if they were looking.

"You were saying?" she said her eyes glinting madly. And Scorpius knew better than to try his sister when she was mad. And she got mad very often.

"Albus, eh?" Draco said, then glanced at the door.

"I don't like him," he said pointedly.

Ashlyn sighed. "Papa's rubbing off on you,"

"I don't know what you are on about," Draco said loftily. "But now I know why your father was the way he was,"

He kissed her thanks when she handed him his mug and went to sit at the table, summoning the Daily Prophet.

Ashlyn shook her head with a little smile and sat down at the table with her coffee.

When Lyra was born, and her father had handed over his gun to Draco and left him very clear instructions. Three bullets in the gun, one to check if the wanker gets scared off. The second, if he ever makes your daughter cry; one bullet through his head. The third one, in celebration that your daughter is rid of the scumbag.

The gun was now within a glass case on the wall in Draco's study.

"Shotgun!" Lyra yelled and ran, but Scorpius was faster.

He laughed at her from the front seat as she huffed and was ushered into the back by her mother.

Lyra kicked his seat from the back, only to get glared at by her mother. Oh, she will show him. She will show that dummy. Her time will come, and then Scorpius will be wailing and begging for mercy...But he was her brother. Maybe she could let him. And he was not going to be around for a year. Yeah, she should let him have it his way.

King's Cross was just as Ashlyn had remembered. The same sooty old station, bustling with muggles. 

Scorpius pushed his trolley with his owl hooting wearily in its cage.

He took a deep breath once he stood in front of the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

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