Confession 3 (Cause I couldn't think of any other title)

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Draco lay awake that night. He wouldn't be surprised if woke up the next morning and found out all of it was a dream. He didn't want to let her know that he was feeling uncertain. How did she even end up here? And what if she decides to go back? She did say she didn't want to...But people could change their minds. 
It was starting to make sense slowly. She never asked for help, the thought wouldn't even cross her mind because she had stopped expecting others to bother. She had been turned down so many times she didn't even have hope for the others. Yet she tried to help everyone else. And all that shit he had blabbed...he was such a scumbag.

His hand unconsciously moved to cover his forearm with the Mark. Then he thought of something... She had left clues all along, only he had never bothered to figure them out. 

Draco groaned and turned around, the guilt almost overwhelming him. He shouldn't have said that. He had sounded exactly like those other shitbags...How was he supposed to know?! It still doesn't justify what he had done.

Sleep didn't visit him once that night.

On the other hand, Ashlyn fell asleep the moment she hit her pillow. She was dead tired and she wouldn't be surprised if she passed out. The headache was almost blinding, and there was still a faint ringing in her head. 

Ashlyn smashed her face into her pillow, trying to smother herself into sleep, maybe the headache would stop then. 

Before she knew it, she was out like a light. 

It felt like she was drifting...somewhere...she didn't see anything, anywhere. It was just nothingness for miles and miles everywhere. Then she felt herself falling, falling at a quite an alarming rate.

Without so much as a thump, she landed as light as a feather on a seat. She looked around at the scenery in front of her. It was a hilltop. The sun wasn't up yet, but a light purple was shading the skies. Trees around her rustled a sweet melody, as a creek nearby flowed down to the valleys.

She was sitting on a canvas chair overlooking the scenery, and beside her someone else was sitting.

"Hey," she said with a small smile.

Y/N smirked back.

"Nice of you to visit me here," Y/N said. 

"It's a nice place though," Ashlyn said looking around. "So, care to explain?"

Y/N scoffed. 

"You couldn't figure it out yet?" Y/N said with a condescending look. Ashlyn closed her eyes in exasperation. Only one person could get her to lose it and go on a self-destructive mode, and that person was rolling her eyes at her. The world's biggest hypocrite, that little bitch in front of her.

"Can I bitch slap you?" Ashlyn asked. "I've always wanted to do that,"

"I could say the same," Y/N said. "All those stupid decisions," she shook her head tutting.

"Stupid decisions? Well, that title is exclusively yours," Ashlyn scoffed. "You have done shit far more ridiculous than I would have thought. Now don't be an asswipe and explain,"

"You still haven't figured it out?"  Y/N said exasperatedly. "Bruh, you are terrible at this,"

"Okay listen here you little shit," Ashlyn snapped. "I'm the older one here, I'm fricking two years older than you. So show some respect and answer my goddamned question,"

"Respect is something to be earned," Y/N recited. "That is one of your core beliefs. Our core beliefs. I ain't doing shit because you are going to become an old granny two years earlier,"

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