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Draco walked purposefully through the empty corridors. It was tiring, answering all the questions, especially when he had many other things on his mind. 

At least Gibbon was wheeled off to Azkaban now, and Blaise was right. They should get the dementors back.

His palm pressed against the hard wooden door of the hospital wing and slowly he pushed it open. 

Over Ashlyn's bed, there was someone standing. Draco didn't pause to think twice as he whipped his wand out and send a Stunner at the person. 

It hit her right on her chest and she was thrown backwards hitting the bed, and knocking down the many flasks and bottles kept on the bedside table making a huge noise. Then she slumped down, unconscious.

Draco paid no attention to it. There was something much more important than that. 

He was sure his heart had stopped beating for a second as he rushed towards Ashlyn. 

Blood spilled down her throat, as she stared at him wide-eyed, mouth agape, gasping for breath.


Ashlyn brought one trembling hand to her throat, the other gripping his arm for dear life, fingernails digging into his skin, as tears leaking down her face.

"Ashlyn! Ashlyn!" 

"What—Oh my god!" Madam Pomfrey who had come out at the noise, gave a frightened squeak, pulling her wand out. A silver streak shot out of her wand and she rushed to the pair.

Why did he always have to be covered with her blood? Why is it that she seemed to be dying every other day? 

Ashlyn let out a shaky gasp, her grip on his arm slackened and then, it fell limp to her side.

Madam Pomfrey was frantically muttering incantations under her breath, but the wounds didn't seem to be healing at all.

Then he saw the dagger and he remembered. It won't heal. But it had to! She couldn't die like this! She just couldn't!

The door to the hospital wing burst open.

McGonagall seemed to be flying as she covered the distance faster than anyone would have considered possible. Lupin, Tonks, Sirius were up behind her. 

Hermione let out a squeak of terror when she saw the sight in front of her. 

"She will have to be taken to St Mungo's," Madam Pomfrey said hurriedly. "But we can only do that once the bleeding stops,"

"Have you tried—"

"I've tried everything!" she snapped.

Sirius had gone around the bed, and picked the bloody dagger and held it up. Never in his wildest nightmares would he have thought that this short knife would be the one to cut her neck. He had only intended it to be a showpiece, a decoration since Ashlyn seemed to like so much. 

"It won't heal with simple magic," Sirius said finally. Ashlyn had sent him a letter, thanking him for the gift. Telling him that it was a family heirloom and he ought not to give it away and that it was quite dangerous.

"I know that!" Madam Pomfrey snapped. She was losing blood fast, and if she wasn't treated fast, she would die.

Hermione was the first one who brought everyone's attention.

"The library," she croaked and ran out of the hospital wing. Harry, Ron and Ginny followed her as McGonagall lifted the anti-apparition charm on Hogwarts, and Sirius apparated off to Grimmauld Place; the dagger had come from there, something must be there.

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