The End of War

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The sun had disappeared completely and the darkness was falling like a blanket over the skies, as the few lamps dimly lit the street. Hidden from the muggles, in that little back alley, a huge party was being hosted.

Ashlyn stepped through the barrier, and the sounds of chatter, the camera shutters clicking, footsteps, met her ears.

Ashlyn let out a soft sigh. 

"Let's get this over with," she muttered to herself. She never really liked crowds, and on a day as such, she felt as though she was going to crumble down at that moment itself. Hitching up a small smile onto her face, she walked inside the huge tent.

Tables were set neatly with four chairs at each round table. A place was cleared in the centre, she supposed it was the dance floor. The raised platform in the front would be where the speeches would be given. Crystal chandeliers hung from the top, glimmering in the light, as a piece of soft music floated across the place. 

Well, whoever chose the music had a good taste. 

With a small wave, she made her way towards the familiar faces.

"Looking spiffy," she told them.

"Ah, you're making us blush," Fred said waving his hand dismissively. Ashlyn shook her head slightly.

"Hello, Angelina," she greeted the girl at George's arm.

"Nice to see you," Angelina smiled, hugging Ashlyn. "It's been so long,"

"It has, hasn't it?" Ashlyn said. "So, how have you been?"

"Blooming," Angelina beamed. Ashlyn's eyes trailed down to her left hand where a ring glittered and a smile made its way to her face.

A year ago, they were having dinner at the Weasleys, when the twins suddenly went missing, and they had swiped Angelina with them too. 
They returned with the brightest smiles, half-covered in soot, and sending sparkles off with every other step they took.
George had proposed to Angelina, and Fred who had gotten the setting ready got a bit too excited. 
They woke up half the muggle town, almost blew up a hill, and had managed to set off one of their firecrackers which whizzed around the place.
Mrs Weasley was torn between being pleased and wanting to yell at the twins, as the others cheered at the news.
Mr Weasley and Tonks kept it quiet, and the fact that at least a dozen muggles had seen a red and gold, screaming firecracker zooming across the sky saying, 'She said YES' remained a secret.

"And who's your date?" Fred asked as he took a glass from a tray that was floating by.

"No one," Ashlyn said. Fred tutted loudly with a disappointed expression.

"Where's yours?" Ashlyn snapped back. 

"Why, I'm going with Georgie and Angelina, of course," Fred said matter-of-factly. 

Ashlyn scoffed. "Come off it, you single pringle,"

"Single pringle...hmmm," George said. "Catchy. It has a nice ring to it. Could add it to the wonder witch products,"

"You might not know," Angelina said. "But Fred's been eyeing Verity for some time,"

"Verity? The salesgirl at your shop?" Ashlyn asked. "Oh my gosh. She is too nice for Fred,"

"You haven't met her, have you?" Fred said with a half-smile, half grimace.

Ashlyn blinked. Welp, now this was something.  Obviously, now that Fred was alive, it would obviously have changed...

'Plot development, I suppose' she thought. 

But then Cedric was alive, so how was Delphini going to come into play? How would she rally Albus and Scorpius into it? 

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