Filler 2.011

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"Rose," Scorpius called, as they left the Great Hall. 

Rose turned around and opened her mouth to say something, but Ron's voice interrupted her.

"Go to the Ball with me?!" Ron yelled. 

Fleur stared at him, startled, and slightly alarmed at how Ron's head practically looked like a Quaffle.

Dominique facepalmed. Lyra sighed. James simply prayed for Ron, cringing from the second-hand embarrassment. Albus was going red in the face, trying not to laugh.

"Oh, my," Rose breathed when she watched Ron run away after he yelled out at Fleur. 

"That went well," Scorpius said as the scattered laughter died down.

Albus was still sniggering. 

"Oh, shut up," Lyra huffed, but even her lips were twitching slightly. She didn't want to laugh in case Rose found it offending.

But the next second, Rose fell apart giggling, clutching Scorpius' shoulder for support as she doubled over.

"Why didn't they tell me about this?" she gasped once she hiccuped herself into seriousness.

Lyra cracked a weak smile, then her mouth fell open as she thought of something.

"I forgot!" she cried. 

"What?" James said.

"This is perfect! We actually forgot!" she said grinning.

"Explain, will you?" Albus snapped.

"Mum's suppose to go with Diggory to the dance, remember?" she said. "It's all going fine. We were so stuck up on their first dance, that we forgot who her actual date was!"

Realisation dawned on their faces. 

"Oh! That's wonderful!" Rose said happily.

"I feel so nice," Dominique sighed in relief.

"So we were worrying about nothing all this time?" Scorpius scoffed. "Honestly. Maybe we are stupid,"

"Yes, you are," Rose and Lyra deadpanned.

"But how do they have their dance then?" Albus asked.

"Coincidence, I suppose," Lyra shrugged. "We'll just have to wait and see,"

"Oh, whatever," Scorpius said stretching. "I feel refreshed knowing that I won't suddenly vanish,"

Rose scoffed. 

"Right, that reminds me," Scorpius said. "Rose, if you will follow me. I swear I won't kill you,"

"I'd like to see you try," Rose huffed, but followed him anyway.

"What's he doing?" Dominique asked. 

Albus sighed. "He spent all last night, planning how to ask her to the Ball,"

"I'm keeping my fingers crossed," Lyra said. "They'd better be dating by the end of this,"

"I could say that same," James said pointedly glancing at her. "Or else I might just put you under the mistletoe,"

Scorpius cleared his throat and pulled his wand out.

"It's a shame that my eyes have to be different," he said. "They added to the charm, you see,"

Rose placed her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. "What is it?" she asked.

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