Catastrophe 1

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Ashlyn woke up on boxing day with a prickling headache. She was sure she went to bed rather happily, but now that the morning sun was gleaming on the snow as she looked out of the window, she couldn't help but feel slightly tense. 

She sighed. She'll deal with whatever when it comes to it, but right now...she was hungry.

"Morning," she said brightly as she sat down at the Slytherin table.

Draco nodded. That idiot didn't sleep at all, did he?

"What were you doing instead of sleeping?" Ashlyn sighed.

Draco just scoffed. He had done a lot of thinking last night and he finally came to a decision. He will confess today. The thought first hit him the previous day when they were flying on the hippogriff. It had been so exhilarating, not just the fact that he was flying, but that he was with her. It could have been that he had just got him emotions mixed up, got caught up in the moment. But later in the Room of Requirement as they talked the night away, he was sure it wasn't just him getting carried away at the moment.

And, so he couldn't sleep a wink. It just refused to come to him, no matter how hard he tried. Finally, he gave up tried to come up with a plan. It all comes down to timing and proper rehearsal. 

"What are your plans for today?" Ashlyn asked as she put her goblet down, bringing him out of his reverie.

"Eat, sleep, then eat, and sleep again," Draco answered.

"Wow, that's so productive," Ashlyn droned sarcastically. "Really, Draco? You don't have any plans?"

"Not really," Draco shrugged. 

Ashlyn sighed. Then she'd have to take matters into her own hands.

"Alright. Get your broom down to the pitch in half an hour," she said.

"Ashlyn, it's snowing," Draco pointed at the ceiling. "It's freezing out there and you want to fly?"

"Yes," she said simply.

"Why are you doing this?" Draco asked wearily. 

"I'm going to make sure you have a great time during the holidays," Ashlyn said "It's my personal mission. It's not really a sight for sore eyes, you know, seeing you sulking every day,"

"I don't sulk," Draco snapped. 

Ashlyn scoffed. "Yeah, right. And I don't walk. Honestly, Malfoy, do lighten up, alright? See you on the pitch,"

She got up, patting his shoulder and left the table to get her broom, humming under her breath.

Draco ran a hand through his hair. She was not making this any easier for him, was she?

Ashlyn was absentmindedly making little patterns with her foot on the snow when Draco came down to the pitch, his broom on his shoulder.

"Nice of you to show up on time," she said sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"I ran into Peeves on the way," Draco said as though it explained the entire matter. It actually did. Peeves was rowdier than ever. The less crowded the castle is, the more Peevees finds the need to cause a ruckus.

Ashlyn mounted her broom and kicked off from the ground. Draco followed suit.

"Race you around the pitch, three rounds," Ashlyn said, raising her eyebrow challengingly.

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