Preparations 1

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Draco didn't like the cat too much. It was a menace.

Or so he said. Ashlyn knew it was because Draco was slightly jealous. 

And rightfully so, Draco would argue. The cat hogged all the attention.

"Aww, look at you," Ashlyn cooed. He was the cutest cat she had ever seen, and she absolutely adored it.

Draco gave a loud disapproving sniff from the other room. 

Ashlyn ignored it, causing him to grow more aggressive. It was hilarious.

Finally, he cracked and stormed into the room.

"You," he barked at the cat. "Stop stealing my girl,"

Nash gave an innocent meow, and Ashlyn fell apart laughing. 

"Oh, Draco," she gasped, trying to control her laughter. It was proving very ineffective because Draco was now glaring at their cat, who hissed back.

"Draco," she said, still giggling, as she grabbed his arm and pulled him down onto the bed.

"Cat hair everywhere," Draco grumbled darkly. 

Ashlyn shook her head, with a small smile, and she placed a hand on Draco's cheek, tilting his face towards her, and kissed his cheek.

"I love both my boys," she said.

"Which one more?" Draco demanded.

"Uh. . .You can't do that," Ashlyn said. "My love is equal,"

"No," Draco said resolutely, glaring at the cat which had made itself comfortable in Ashlyn's lap. "There is no room for two. It's either me or that thing,"

"Oh, come on, Draco," Ashlyn groaned. "Don't be so stupid,"

"Hmph," Draco huffed. Then he placed his hand behind her head, pulling her into a deep kiss.


Hermione was sitting on the couch in the Burrow, reading when Ron came in and sat down beside her, giving her a kiss on top of her head. 

Hermione smiled, and turned to look at him, then she noticed something.

"You've got dirt on your nose," she said with a small chuckle. "Let me get it for you,"

"No!" Ron cried, pushing her hand away. "It—It's for luck," he said, his ears turning red.

"Luck?" Hermione said curiously. "What do you need luck for?"

Ron looked around the room, as though he had never been there before. 

"This," he said taking Hermione's hand and slipping a small ring onto her finger. Her mouth fell open.

"...Marry me?"


"Oh, Merlin no," Fred grumbled as he slipped away. "Not another wedding," His mother was going to lose it, and the fuss was going to be incredible...But it would be a good opportunity for advertising...


It was incredible how time flies. 

As Ashlyn had expected, Rita Skeeter did have a huge rise in popularity for her writing. She specialised in articles about relationships now. Trying to throw dirt, find faults, baseless accusations, you get the idea.

Wish Upon A Star (Cont.)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora