A little Row

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The day couldn't have arrived faster. And he hated it. 

Draco fumbled with the folders on his desk. He had cleaned it just that morning, and here he was again, trying to make the stacks look as proper as possible.

He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He had no idea what she wanted to talk to him about either. Did he actually end up doing something?

When Ashlyn went to Malfoy's office, she saw him at his desk, face buried in his hand. 

Her eyebrow raised, she rapped lightly on the wooden desk, causing him to look up.

"Tough day?" she asked. 

"Nothing worth worrying about," He said dismissively. What was he supposed to tell her? That he was completely losing it in his head?!

"You know what?" she said. "I would suggest that you take a walk. Some fresh air. You should get up and move away from behind that desk,"

Draco looked up at her. Then swallowed and got up.

"I suppose," he said moving around the desk.

Ashlyn gave him a small smile and led their way out. 

They walked towards the elevators and took one up to the atrium, and stepped outside into the hot May afternoon. 

"I've come with an offer," she said finally as they went down the street. 

"Join us,"


"Join our department. An auror," then she sighed. She might as well come straight to the point.

"Honestly, we need you," she said. "It might be hard for you, but we need information on all the...well, the inside stuff about the Death Eaters,"

"And?" he said shortly.

"And, we could always just get you to give us occasional tips, but we consider it a talent gone to waste,"

"Don't drag it out, Clarke," Malfoy drawled. "Just say it,"

Ashlyn sighed. 

"Yeah, it's pointless. Okay...Listen Malfoy, the information is important to us. With the Ministry trying to build up the trust again, we need our actions to prove it, that we're doing something and are better than before. And we need to clear all the old stuff out,"

She looked up at him. 

"That's where you come in...I know, it sounds quite bland. But as an Auror, you climb up the ranks faster, and the excitement is another bonus, I suppose,"

The more the words fell out of her mouth, the more stupid it sounded. Why did she have to be the one to do it? Harry had gotten the easy bit. He just had to tell Hermione, who was already looking for shifting over.

"What's in it for me?" Malfoy asked as they watched a bus go past them.

"...Let's just say stuff," Ashlyn shrugged. She didn't exactly know what Malfoy was supposed to do, and how he reached where he was years later. So here she was, stuck. But she did know that he did work in the Auror office for a while.

"You have a week to consider, we expect an answer in no less than seven days," she said sharply. "The earlier, the better. Do think it over carefully,"

"And personally, I think you ought to do it,"

Malfoy scoffed. "And why is that?"

"Let's just say it was a vision," Ashlyn said dismissively. 

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