(I'm out of ideas for the title...)

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Ashlyn was about to go find Draco back in the Entrance Hall when she was stopped by an irate Professor McGonagall.

"Yes, Professor?" she said as she left the others and moved out to the grounds towards McGonagall who was glaring at the group of second-year Slytherins. The ones Ashlyn had fixed hair for. She could see them trying to hide their smirks.

"Clarke, I've been told that you were the one who did this to their hair," McGonagall said, her voice suggesting that she didn't believe a word the boys had told her.

"Ah, yes that would be me," Ashlyn said. "I couldn't think of a way to rem—" she was cut off in between.

"Ashlyn! Where were yo—Oh—What is it, Professor?" Draco skidded to a halt beside Ashlyn looking from McGonagall to the boys snickering behind her back.

"As I was saying," Ashlyn continued. "I couldn't think of a way to remove the pink colour from their hair, so I improvised. It would go well, seeing as they would be cheering for their house today,"

"And you most certainly didn't charm the snakes to speak?" McGonagall said.

"What?" Ashlyn blinked.

"This," McGonagall said glaring at the boys' heads. Now that Ashlyn thought about it, why did they have their heads covered with their hoods?

Draco reached forward and pulled the nearest boy's hood down. The silver snakes were dancing on his green head.

And then to Ashlyn's surprise, the five snakes on his head spoke in unison still dancing.

"Hiss hiss fuckers~,"

Ashlyn blinked as McGonagall pressed her lips to a thin line. The boy pulled his hood back on, muffling the sound. Draco snorted loudly.

"Good to know that you find this amusing, Mr Malfoy," McGonagall snapped, and that shut him up.

"I most certainly didn't do that," Ashlyn said defensively. Those little shits! They had tried to put the blame on her...Ha!

"As I thought," McGonagall said. "Ten points from Slytherin for using foul language, and twenty points for lying so blatantly. Twenty each,"

Then she stalked off.

Ashlyn sighed as the boys followed her grumbling under their breath as Draco laughed.

"Hiss hiss fuckers," he chuckled.

"Really?" Ashlyn said indignantly. "I really didn't expect them to put the blame on me like that. I got rid of that colour for them. Jeez,"

"Relax, Ash," Draco said putting an arm around her waist. "You are too righteous for your own good. They were just trying not to get in trouble,"

"Get your hand off me, you stink," Ashlyn snapped pushing his hand away.

"That's not possible," Draco said loftily.

"And why is that so?" Ashlyn said her eye twitching in annoyance.

"Because I'm only in my Quidditch robes and it's freezing out here. There's no way that I would be sweating right now," Draco said matter-of-factly.

"You don't need to sweat to stink. You do it regardless," Ashlyn sassed, still pissed about those sneaky little bastards.

"And if it's freezing, what are you doing out here?" she huffed. "And I'm not going to give you the scarf,"

"It's mine anyway," Draco said.

"I don't care," Ashlyn said simply. "You can freeze for all I care,"

"Come on, Clarke. I came for you," Draco said giving her a back hug. Ashlyn elbowed him hard in the stomach.

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