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She knew this place. It was quite familiar by now. The same old mountain top view with two canvas chairs, one of them usually occupied by Y/N who would be drinking or eating something.

But this time, Y/N looked exhausted and was on her feet, fervently.

Ashlyn landed softly on the canvas chair and then jumped to her feet.

'It wasn't easy getting you here by my own devices,' Y/N panted. 

'Right, so let's get to the topic quickly,' Ashlyn said, as she tried running it all over again. 

'The plot may or may not affect me, because I happen to be Ashlyn, who came into this universe and not just a book series,' she said hurriedly.

'That is possible,' Y/N said. 'But at the same time, it needn't be so,'

'You said you were stuck in a limbo, right?' Ashlyn asked. Y/N nodded.

'So limbo between what?'

Y/N stared at her for a few seconds then said, '...Limbo between, you and Y/N,'

'I thought so!' Ashlyn cried elated. 'Don't you see? If we can...' she trailed off as she made further progress and everything came to a confused pause.

'You are Y/N,' Ashlyn said slowly. 'Then who am I?'

'You are Ashlyn,' Y/N said promptly, and as though she couldn't stop herself, added, 'Duh!'

Ashlyn rolled her eyes incredulously.

'So, I am Ashlyn,' she continued. 'Then who is the girl who I exchanged places with?'

'She's Y/N dum-dum,' Y/N snapped.

'Then you are?' Ashlyn asked confused.

'I'm not Y/N as a whole,' the other girl said exasperatedly. 'I'm just the string of consciousness that connects you two. You remember Y/N because I'm here. I'm technically not supposed to be here. At least not for so long,'

'What do you mean by that?' Ashlyn asked.

'Do you think I wasted my entire time in your head?' Y/N scoffed. 'I had some searching of my own done,'

'And?' Ashlyn prompted. 

'And, I was supposed to stay in limbo for a few years, and you would slowly forget everything. That s basically, I would stop existing,'

Ashlyn blinked.

'Then why are you here now?' she said.

'Why the fuck do you sound disappointed, bitch?' Y/N snarled.

'I'm curious, you dipshit,' Ashlyn snapped. 'Why are you still here? What did you do?'

'I don't know,' Y/N confessed. 'One day, suddenly, a portal sorta thingy opened. Two in fact and I chose this side,'

Ashlyn gasped.

'HOLY SHIT!' she cried. 'Moody!'


'Barty Crouch Jr pretending to be Moody!' Ashlyn said, almost bouncing on the balls of her feet. 

'Fourth year, he put the Imperius curse on me,' she continued. 'And that's the first time I ever heard you!'

Realisation dawned on Y/N's face as her mouth fell open.

'Holy fucking shit,' she whispered, her eyes wide. 'It makes sense! I was extremely tired when I came here, and it took a couple of years to adjust to this place and communicate with you fluently,'

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