The Catch

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Apparently not. 

The Universe was hellbent on working her to the bone. If June was acting strangely at first, it was nothing compared to what she was doing now. 

"Hello, June," Ashlyn said one morning, sitting beside June at the breakfast table. 

June jumped slightly.

"Oh, hello," she said in a small voice looking at her porridge.

"How are you today?" Ashlyn asked. "Your exams are close, aren't they? How is your studying going?"

"It's—it's fine," June said.

"I see," Ashlyn nodded as though she didn't know that June was basically shrinking with every second. She was going to figure it out. Something was wrong with June and she was going to get to the end of it.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Ashlyn prompted.

"Yes," June squeaked and stuffed a spoonful of porridge into her mouth. Ashlyn raised her eyebrow.

"Oh, hello Draco," Ashlyn waved at Draco who came over with a small smile.

"Good morning," he said kissing Ashlyn's cheek. 

"This the girl I was talking about, June," Ashlyn said introducing her.

"...I've heard a lot about you, Clearwater," Draco said staring at June who seemed to shrivel under his gaze.

Draco turned to Ashlyn.

"See you later," he said and left. 

Ashlyn turned just in time to see June's expression. Pure loathing and envy. 

'What is this now?' Ashlyn groaned in her head.

'I don't know,' the voice answered back. 'But hell, we're in for a ride,'

'Oh, screw this. Is a break too much to ask for?!'



They jumped apart. 

"Minerva," Slughorn chided. "We should let them have their privacy,"

"Miss Clarke, Mr Malfoy," McGonagall said sharply. "Don't you have anywhere else to be,"

"Free hour, professor," Draco said. Ashlyn was still in shock and seemed to have forgotten what words were.

"A more secluded place would be suitable, I think, m'dear," Slughorn said in his usually booming voice.

Yeah, making out in a corridor did not sound like too much of a good idea. But the corridor had been empty until they decided to walk by. It didn't stop from Ashlyn getting washed over by embarrassment though.

Ashlyn flushed a bright red and stuttered an apology. Draco didn't seem bothered in the least.

"Of course, sir," he said casually.

"Not a problem, m'dear. Not a problem," Slughorn said happily. Then he walked away with McGonagall, chuckling, muttering something along the lines of, "young love," as the older witch shook her head wearily. 

Ashlyn buried her face in her hands, and whimpered in embarrassment, Draco smirked at her.

"I knew we should have picked a broom cupboard," Draco said simply. 

Ashlyn put her hands down and glared at him, still a bright red in the face. "Seriously?" she huffed. 

Draco just shrugged and took her hand.

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