Filler 2.001

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She was not the best at Potions. She could manage the theory, but somehow she always messed up the practical. After five continuous melted cauldrons in first year, she knew she had to do something. 

Practice, of course. 

So she had spoken to her Potions professor and set up a time for her to use the classroom and try brewing potions and do the practicals. At first, she was supervised by her teacher, then he'd just leave her to it. She actually liked it that way.

People never really understood why she put so much in store for Potions. She was excellent other subjects and was really good at Quidditch too. The only black dot in her record was Potions.

Well, she put a lot on Potions, because everyone in her family was an incredible potioneer. Expect her, that is.

Her mother was praised for her potion-making skills almost as much as she was for her Transfiguration. Her father had even written a few books on Alchemy and Potion making. Her brother— that dummy was only good at Potions, the rest all, he just scraped by. 

And then there was her, the dark horse. She didn't know whether it was the timing or the way she handled the ingredients, or the temperature, but she always messed it up.

Anyway, it had gotten better once she started practising beforehand. 

She really liked the dungeons classroom once it was empty. It was really peaceful, and it was calming to watch her cauldron bubble away...until it blew up in her face. 

Don't get it wrong. Her explosions had decreased over the years, but still, there were a few occasions...

She didn't do all that well in pressure...Or when she was annoyed. 

And right now, she was incredibly annoyed.

Because of those two idiots!

Lyra looked over her book and glared at the two dumbos sitting at a table. If her potion does blow up today, she hoped it would explode on them.

And by those two dumbos, she meant, her brother, Scorpius Malfoy and his best friend Albus Potter

Both were nothing but annoying jerks.

She loved her brother. She really did, but he could be such a jerk sometimes. And Potter. Don't even talk about him. He was the world's biggest asshole! Oh, how she wished she could punch him. She was only holding herself back because she didn't want to get detention and she would be in a lot of trouble if her mother found out...Dad might be a bit pleased though. 

There were a lot of reasons why she disliked Albus Potter. She could list them out...Although...sometimes....she couldn't help but...

Forget it.

She should just focus on her potion. 

But those two idiots were making it hard for her.

"Can you just shut up?" she snapped. 

"Chill, Malfoy," Albus said. "We are just discussing our Charms answers,"

Lyra scoffed. "Yeah, and I totally believe you," she said sarcastically. "Do you have to do this here? Can't you just get out and leave me alone in peace,"

"I'm afraid, we can't," Albus smirked. "One, this place is nearer to our common room. Two, nobody in their right minds will leave you alone with a cauldron with some shit brewing in it. That is just inviting a disaster,"

"Jeez, Scorp," he said grinning. "Your 'Two points' is rubbing off on me,"

Scorpius smirked back at him.

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