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Ashlyn apparated into the familiar stone-walled kitchen of No 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Who's cat died that you look like that?" Sirius asked when she had found him. 

"My stupidity just sank in recently," Ashlyn said gloomily, as she lifted Teddy, who had ran up to her and clasped her feet, into her arms.

"Hello," she told the little boy, then turned to Sirius. "Where's Remus?"

"McGonagall wanted to tell him something," Sirius shrugged.

"You don't mind if I take Teddy away, do you?" she said. "I seriously need something to keep me sane. Caffeine has lost its effect, the Pensieve is another invitation for the waterworks and so are the songs, I can't seem to be able to read, I'm staying away from alcohol as much as possible, they give me the heebie-jeebies, and I don't do drugs,"

She turned to look at Teddy with a small smile.

"So you, young man, are my best choice to happiness and sanity," she said.

"I don't really mind," Sirius said. "More time for my bikes. But you should ask Remus and Tonks,"

"I'll owl them," Ashlyn said. "Want to come with, Auntie Ash, Teddy?" she asked.

"I get cake?" the little boy asked, cocking his head to the side. "Pwease~' he added.

A smile spread across Ashlyn's face.

"Well, then, we'll have to make some, won't we? Do you want to make a cake, Teddy?"

Teddy nodded enthusiastically.

"Then let's go!" Ashlyn cheered.

"Yay!" Teddy said and Ashlyn lowered him to the floor. 

"Kreacher, you're seeing this, aren't you?" Sirius said. "I'm not the one who spoils the little cub,"

"Of course, master," Kreacher croaked.

"Can we see Bobo?" Teddy asked as he held Ashlyn's fingers in his little hand.  Bobo was a stray cat they had rescued the last time Teddy had come for a visit, and he had taken a liking to the cat and given her the adorable name. Ashlyn just hoped the cat was still there at the vet's, if not...well, she'll have to improvise.

"Sure," Ashlyn smiled. "Before or after cake?"

"Afta!"  (After!)

"Alright," she chuckled. "Well, bye then," Ashlyn said as she took a pinch of the floor powder. 

"Bye-bye," Teddy waved at Sirius and Kreacher, holding Ashlyn's hand tightly and they stepped into the green flames and vanished.

A few minutes later they stepped onto the hearthrug inside Ashlyn's house.

"Cake!" Teddy cried and ran towards the kitchen with his little feet.

Ashlyn grinned.

"Not yet, Teddy," she said going after him. "Did you wash your hands?"

"No," Teddy said in a small voice, looking at his feet.

"Come on, then," Ashlyn said lifting him and taking him to the sink. "Let's get you washed up,"

She put on the TV for a bit and quickly changed out of her work clothes and went back outside, to see that Teddy was missing.

Ashlyn sighed. Thank magic for making her life easier.

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