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"What are you getting all dolled up for?" Ginny said as she rolled off her bed.

"She's going on a date with Malfoy," Hermione answered for Ashlyn. Ginny smirked but said nothing and trudged to the bathrooms.

Ashlyn hummed slightly as she pulled on her gloves. 

"I've never seen that one," Hermione said staring at the red pendant on Ashlyn's bed.

"It was a Christmas gift," Ashlyn said matter-of-factly.

"From Malfoy?" 

Ashlyn nodded. 

"You better be there for practice," Ginny said warningly as she came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"You aren't going to Hogsmeade?" Ashlyn asked, picking up the pendant and wearing it around her neck. 

"Oh, I'm going with Harry alright, but we know not to get a bit too...distracted," Ginny said and brushed her teeth rather loudly while staring at Ashlyn, who sighed.

"Looking good?" Ashlyn asked showing off her style for Hermione and Ginny to evaluate half an hour later.

"Well..." Hermione trailed off, unsure of how to put it nicely.

"You look like you are attending a funeral," Ginny said simply. "What's with all black?"

"But...Malfoy might like it, don't you think?" Hermione said. And the two of them entered into an animated discussion. 

Ashlyn sighed. Maybe it was a bit too black...Well, it was March, so if she looked at it aesthetic wise...

"Okay, this one is better," Ginny nodded her approval fifteen minutes later. 

"It looks wonderful," Hermione agreed.

"Maybe get rid of the pendant, it stands out a bit too much," Ginny suggested.

"But I wear this all the time," Ashlyn protested. 

"Then tuck it inside your shirt," 

Ashlyn shrugged and slipped it under her shirt. Oh well, whatever...

"Ready to go?" Draco asked as Ashlyn reached the Entrance Hall and looped her arm into his.

"Yup," she said brightly as they made their way to the carriages. "So, what have you got planned for today?"

"Things," Draco said vaguely.

"Does it involve Madam Puddifoots?"Ashlyn asked, slightly apprehensive. 

"Of course not," Draco said as though he was offended by the question. He didn't have the most pleasant memories there. 

When the carriage stopped at Hogsmeade, they got out, and Draco led her to Three Broomsticks.

As usual, the Three Broomsticks was crowded, with Madam Rosmerta bustling around the counter, hoards of Hogwarts students sitting around tables chatting merrily.

Ashlyn went to save a table, as Draco got their drinks.

Ashlyn hummed thanks as she took the bottle he handed him and let her eyes trail around the shop.

It was always nice to see her so excited. It was really strange because she was always the one who took him to places he had never been before, but it never took much to please her, it never did. Sometimes he couldn't help but feel that he was not enough for her, he didn't deserve her.

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