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The alarm beeped and Ashlyn rolled over, smashing the pillow over her head. The alarm only continued to scream louder.

"Heard you the first time," she mumbled. But the alarm was screeching its head off now.

Ashlyn sighed and sat up. "Geez, I'm up. You can shut up, now,"

The alarm stopped.

Scoffing lightly she got out of bed, yawning and went to the bathroom. Brush her teeth, a nice quick bath, some toast, a good old cup of coffee and a lot of swearing and she was officially ready to start the day.

Grumbling and yawning, Ashlyn stuffed the toothbrush in her mouth, and trudged to the kitchen, might as well get the toaster started.

"Oh, good morning, Dawn," she told her owl who had just swooped into the house through the open window. Dawn hooted in response and perched upon his stand, ruffling his feathers, trying to go to sleep...Ah, now she was sleepy.

She summoned her wand and put a song on, just wake herself up. Blinking slowly, she got her coffee mug ready, the toothbrush wobbling in her mouth as she danced sleepily to Imagine Dragons' Thunder, much to Dawn's annoyance.

A month after school ended, she applied for the Ministry, and she got in, no troubles, not that she expected any. Her grades were a parade of Outstandings, much to her satisfaction.

Soon she had to attend her hearing, which was considerably weird when compared to the others. 

Harry got off very easily. They didn't even ask him many questions, not even an accusatory tone, it was rather like they were trying to get his adventures recorded. Hermione and Ron's hearing went smoothly too. Ron's ended really quick, and Hermione's took a bit longer than that, seeing as she had done a bit of illegal magic. 

But Ashlyn's was one long hearing. She had always known she was booking herself a cell in Azkaban from the start, alright. She had a list of crimes against her, and goodness did they sound terrible. 

She had been sitting in the chained chair in front of the Wizengamot. The chains hadn't clanked up her yet, and she wouldn't be surprised if they did.

There was Harry, Ron, Hermione, Mr Weasley, Moody, Tonks, and Sirius accompanying her. They were there to testify for her.
Although, Ashlyn would have liked it better if they weren't there. She had noticed that they were all really quiet when they left. Even though she was cleared of all charges, it didn't erase what she had done. She saw all the furtive glances they gave, and it took them a whole five hours to get the stomach to talk to her. She didn't blame them, it was slightly hard to digest. Especially for Mr Wealsey and Tonks, who thought she might as well be the biggest softie to ever exist, and then she turned out to be the black horse.

It started with the minor ones, like the illegal magic, creating unauthorized portkeys, casting an illegal undetectable charm, meddling with the Ministry's whole trace system. She was cleared of those charges as they didn't play any less important role in the defeat of Voldemort.

And then it went to the more serious ones, like casting the unforgivable curses; The Imperius curse was used five times.

"In your fourth year, you say?" an old wizard had asked leaning over in his seat, studying Ashlyn, who nodded serenely.

"It was to be done," she said. "I couldn't let Peter Pettigrew find me. It was the only way I could have managed to save Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory,"

A small chatter broke out. Ashlyn could hear the frantic scratching away of quills of the reporters for Daily Prophet. Her reasons were neither as grand as the ones of Harry's nor were they mild offences like Hermione and Ron. All in all, she was stuck. Oh, well, come what may, she'll think about it then.

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