The Last Pages

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"Teddy, can you take Lyra?" Draco said. 

Teddy nodded. 

"Dad," Lyra said. "Is Mum going to be okay?"

"Of course," Draco said with a small smile. "She was just a bit too tired. I tell her every day, not too work too hard," he shook his head with a small sigh.

"See you later, princess," he said kissing Lyra's forehead. 

"See you, Dad," Lyra said, then she saw someone. "Grandmother!"

She ran across the hall to the older witch.

"How are you, grandmother?" she said brightly.

"I am well," Narcissa smiled down at her. "Where is your father, now?"

Draco looked at Lyra talking to his mother, then turned to Teddy.

"Don't let her worry too much," he said. 

Teddy looked down at his feet, eyes swimming with tears. How was he supposed to keep it in?! 

He didn't want to believe it. He didn't. She was dead. Gone. She wouldn't come back. 

Memories kept flashing in his head. When they would bake together. He always loved going to her place when he was young. It was always more fun there.
When she had taught him how to ride a broomstick. Although his first broom was given to him by Harry, she was the one to help him on it, and teach him how to fly. She would be cheering for him every Quidditch match.
When she would scold him sternly for talking in class instead of studying. That time when he had pretended to be her and tried taking the class until she came and gave him detention for a week. She was quite strict once she was back in school.

"Take care of her," Draco said. "Please don't let Lyra find out that her mother is sick. She gets sick too. It somehow happens together for both of them always,"

Teddy nodded. Draco still didn't believe it. 

"I'll come by to pick her up later. Thanks, Teddy," he said and patted his shoulder before turning away.

Teddy hastily wiped off a tear as Lyra walked back to him.

"C'mon, Ly. We can fly around at Sirius's place," Teddy said brightly, hitching a smile on his face.

"Okay," Lyra said happily and they left the place.

Hermione who had been listening to this from the corner, burst into tears once the two of them had left. She couldn't believe it...Ashlyn had done this before, hadn't she? She would go into, what did she call it, again?... Breath-holding spell syndromes! Yes. It was simply temporary...But she couldn't help but feel dispaired.

Draco ignored the others and walked straight back in through the closed doors.

He sat beside Ashlyn's bedside, and took her cold hand in his, running a thumb over her knuckles. 

She would be back. She would. She had promised him. He should trust her. Yes, she would. 

She had to be back. 


Ginny swayed on the spot when Narcissa, quite sombrely, with tears in her eyes told them that the branch on the family tree had wilted away.

Harry took off his glasses and patted Ginny as she cried into his shoulder. 

Ashlyn had never told them that something was wrong. She seemed well, and fine. Then why did this happen? 

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