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As February tumbled onto them, Draco spent less time in the Room of Requirement with Ashlyn. He had to go for frequent Quidditch practices for their match with Ravenclaw.

Harry was in the Quidditch spirit too. Even though their next match was in March, he said that Quidditch was the only thing he was looking forward to anymore.

"All the homework's killing me," Harry wailed as they took the usual stairs down to the dungeons. "As you're captain, I'm telling you to come to practice today evening,"

Ashlyn sighed. She didn't even expect any help from Ron, he was totally with Harry on this. Ginny didn't even cross her mind, she was planning of going professional, and was starting to seem as though Oliver Wood was possessing her with all that excitement and commitment. Harry would just let her lead the team when he got too tired. Ginny was a good captain, an excellent chaser, but a bit too enthusiastic for Ashlyn's liking.

"Hello, there," Draco said coming up from behind and snaking a hand around her waist.

"Hello, there, yourself," Ashlyn said brightly, standing on tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

Hermione pulled Harry and Ron back so that Draco and Ashlyn were walking in front of them.

"You'd think it would get better when they finally got together," Blaise sighed miserably as he walked past them.

"Stop being a complain box," Pansy said rolling her eyes exasperatedly, as she followed him.

"I'm glad that the match against Slytherin's done," Ron yawned.

"Yeah," Harry agreed.

"Reckon Ashlyn would stop to gawk at Malfoy?" Ron said. Hermione came to Ashlyn's defence.

"Of course not. She wouldn't do anything to sabotage Gryffindor's chances of winning," she said loftily.

"I was only joking, Mione," Ron said hurriedly. "It wouldn't matter if Malfoy gave up the snitch for Ashlyn, though,"

In front of them, they could hear Ashlyn and Draco talking about the same thing, only different views.

"I wish I could have played against you," Ashlyn said. "That would have been fun,"

"Add our own little bet?" Draco suggested. "I'd try to stop you from getting the Quaffle in, and you can try to distract me from the snitch. But since it's you, you don't really have to try to distract me. I would get distracted if you were just sitting in the stands,"

Ashlyn giggled.

Harry and Ron raised their eyebrows. They didn't know Ashlyn could sound like that. Hermione just shook her head with a smile.

"Every time I lose a goal because of you, you'd get a point," Ashlyn continued, making up the rules. "And if I successfully distract you and Harry catches the snitch then I get five points because there's only one snitch,"

"No!" Harry yelled from behind them sounding extremely scandalized, causing both of them to turn around. Hermione facepalmed as Ron looked equally offended as Harry.

"Are you mental?!" Ron cried.

"What are you saying, Weasley?" Draco said haughtily.

"Yeah, Ron, doesn't it sound fun?" Ashlyn said.

Ron mouthed wordlessly and turned to Harry who looked like he might pull his hair out.

"Well, it does sound fun," Hermione said slowly.

"There you have it," Ashlyn smirked proudly.

"Hermione, no!" Ron cried. "That's not how Quidditch works,"

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