Filler 2.010

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The Yule Ball was roughly all the castle talked about. 

"Do I have to do this?" Albus said wearily glancing down the parchment in his hand.

Dominique and Scorpius nodded eagerly.

"I'm already making it easy for you," Scorpius said.

"How do you pronounce this? Aslo...Wait...Alstrome-blergh-bergh?" Albus said cocking his head o the side, frowning at the parchment.

Lyra got up from her seat and smacked him on his head with a book.

"It not Alsto-bleh-bleh-bleh," she snapped. "It's Alstroemeria, dumbass,"

"Doesn't it have some other name?" Albus said scowling at her and massaging the back of his head.

"Just call them Peruvian Lillies," Lyra sighed. 

"You couldn't have told that before?" Albus barked.

"Well, at first I didn't think you were so stupid," Lyra shot back, sitting back down with a huff.

"I like this flower though," Dominique said. "Gypsophila,"

"Just call it Baby's breath," Albus yelled. He had gotten tired of all the weird names flowers had. With all the effort they were putting into it, he had better see Ashlyn and Draco kiss in the least.

"It's slightly poisonous though," Lyra said. "And mum knows a lot about flowers. She might think he is trying to poison her,"

"Oh, shit, that's the last thing we want," James laughed. "That's going to be the height of misunderstandings,"

"We don't even know if he will take the bait," Rose said uncertainty.

"Precisely, Rose," Scorpius said. "We don't know. So we should try,"

Rose shook her head and buried her face in the book she was holding.

Lyra looked at her then at Scorpius and said, "Scorp, who are you taking to the Ball? If you end up like a loser, I'm telling you beforehand, I won't go with you,"

"Why would I go with you anyway?" Scorpius scoffed. "I'm going to ask Rose,"

"I'm right here," Rose deadpanned. Scorpius grinned at her and continued.

"I was thinking a huge bouquet of roses and in the Entrance Hall at breakfast...or, do you have any specific flower preference, Rosie?"

Rose stared at him with her mouth open, and a look of incredulity on her face, then she got up and brought the book down on his shoulder.

"Ow!Owowowowww! Ouch! Rose! Stop!" Scorpius cried, earning a glare from a few seventh year Ravenclaws from a nearby table.

"Stupid. Bread. Head." Rose cried, hitting him mercilessly with his book. "Dumb. Silly. Clown,"

"Hey, books are not a weapon," Dominique said calmly, looking at the list Lyra was making from over her shoulder. "But the knowledge inside them, that is the real weapon,"

"Stop!" Scorpius said, snatching the book out of Rose's hand and then flipped it open.

"Now hit me with the knowledge," he said grinning handing the open book back to her.

Lyra facepalmed. "Sometimes I think the stupidest persons on the planet is him," she jerked a thumb at Albus, who opened his mouth indignantly.

"Then you prove me wrong, Scorp," she said ignoring Albus.

Rose stuffed the book back into Scorpius' hands and vanished behind the bookshelf, as Scorpius and James stifled their laughter.

"She's probably feeling bad," Dominique said and shuffled off after Rose.

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