A Disasterous Date

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Ashlyn was lying on the couch, one leg hanging off, a box of candy hovering near her, a book levitating in front of her, a glass of flavoured soda in her hand, and light music playing in the background.

She was having the time of her life. She had set an alarm for three hours of relaxation time, else she might really go insane and go on a homicidal rampage with all the shit that is going on. After three hours she'd go back to moping around.

For those three hours, she didn't care about the Ministry or her work, she didn't give two shits about the plot, she didn't give a flying rat's ass about the rumours, she couldn't care less about being presentable, or maintaining a reputation, and to hell with Malfoy, he can go drown in the Arctic ocean during these three hours and she wouldn't bat an eyelash.

Just then a huge eagle owl swooped in through the open kitchen window.

Ashlyn looked up from her book. The hell is this now?

The owl landed on her outstretched arm, and she untied the letter. Did the owl look familiar, or was she just thinking too much? Probably thinking too much. How the hell was she supposed to tell the owls apart when they look so similar...But Eagle owls are rare since they are so expensive...

Nope. She wasn't thinking about it. No. Just no.

She'll read the letter, and decide to put it away, throw it in the fire, or whatever.

The owl flew away as Ashlyn unfolded the letter.

She scanned the letter, closed her eyes and slowly pulled the cushion towards her.

She smothered her face in it and screamed. 


Breathing heavily, she came back up.

Was a break so much to ask?! The fuck did she do that the Universe was tormenting her this way? 

Her hand holding the letter fell limply to the side, as she heaved a deep sigh, her head throbbing now.

Why did he want to meet now?

"Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves," she told herself, sitting up straight now.  "Let's analyse it properly, and get to a reasonable conclusion,"

There was only one logical reasoning as to why Malfoy would suddenly ask her to meet him on Sunday and it would be to talk about the offer, and since it is Malfoy they were talking about...

She closed her eyes again. Her head was malfunctioning again. A single short sentence was floating along her head.

'It's a date'. 

And it was not helping at all.


"You did what? You jinxed her?" Blaise said, utterly shocked. 

Then he got up, walked around the table, and took Draco's hand in both of his and shook it.

"It was a charm," Draco muttered, but Blaise paid no mind to it.

"You courageous, marvellous boy," Blaise said, pretending to wipe a tear away.

"Terrible, terrible fate that you must die so young. You martyr,"

"Shut up," Draco snapped, pulling his hand away.

Blaise sighed and sat back down.

"No, honestly, mate, what you did was like digging your own grave, throwing yourself in and then covering the hole," he said.

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