The Wedding 2

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She didn't sleep a wink.

Nothing she didn't expect...

Nothing she didn't expect...

Nothing she didn't expect...

She totally didn't expect this! She had no idea what to do!

"Ashlyn, you need to come out now," Hermione's voice said as she knocked on the bathroom door.

"Coming," Ashlyn said in a voice she didn't recognise as hers. 

Her hair still slightly damp, she walked out of the bathroom, completely dazed. 

Ginny chuckled at her face. 

"Do I look constipated?" Ashlyn asked.

"You could say so," Ginny shrugged.

"That's not good, is it?" Ashlyn muttered frantically. "Of course it is not. Oh gosh, I am a wreck,"

"It is only natural," Hermione said serenely. "I was the same. But it all goes away. Once you stand on the altar, it wouldn't matter at all,"

Ashlyn was too worried, she even forgot to give an incredulous look.

"Ah, there you are," Pansy said happily skipping into the room. "Let's get you ready,"

"I've never been more scared of that sentence," Ashlyn muttered as she followed them out into the room where she was supposed to get ready.


"Just one shot," Draco whined.

"Nope," Ron said dancing out of his way, waving the bottle over his head. He was taking particular amusement in doing so.

"You didn't let me on my wedding day," Ron reminded him. 

Draco groaned and ran a hand through his hair only to get his hand slapped by Blaise with a comb.

"You just spent the last half an hour styling that shit," he snapped.

"Crap," Draco muttered and went back to trying to fix his hair.

"Don't worry," Harry said. "It's really worth it. All the nervousness, I mean...When you see her walk down the aisle towards you, you'll know it was all worth it,"

Ron grinned his agreement. 

"Never knew you were the sappy one, Harry," Blaise said thumping Harry on the back. 

Draco sighed and buried his face in his hands.

"I feel sick," he muttered.


"I feel sick," she muttered.

"Well, it's a good thing," Mrs Clarke said. "You are just nervous,"

"Nervous is one thing," Ashlyn said desperately. "I am a complete mess," 

"Don't move your head," Pansy snapped. "I'm trying to put this pin in,"

"Okay," Ashlyn said in a small voice as the others bustled around. 


"You should adjust your robes," 

Draco turned around. "Father,"

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