Filler 2.006

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"He is mental! Totally cuckoo bananas!" James said exasperatedly to Lyra and Rose neither of whom were actually listening to him bad-mouthing Snape.

"What was dad thinking when he named Al after him?" he cried. "You know what? He should have been called Albus Rubeus! Now Hagrid. He's the real deal, I tell you. And I kid you not, the salamanders were mind-blowing, dude,"

"James, you only liked that class because you didn't have to do anything," Rose droned.

"My point exactly!" James exclaimed. "Too bad no Quidditch this year. D'you think I'll get into the team?"

"No, you won't," Lyra said sharply. "We are not supposed to be here, remember?"

"Right,"  he yawned, then winked at a few Hufflepuff girls who were walking past their table. They blushed and went away giggling.

Lyra looked up from her plate. "How long do you think we'll have to stay?" she asked.

"No idea," Rose sighed. "If I'm being honest, I want to stay for the Triwizard Tournament, you know,"

Lyra nodded her agreement. "I want to see the tasks too...And the Yule Ball,"

"Which means we'll need dress robes, and dates," Rose provided. "But we are not really supposed to leave major impacts, are we?"

"Well, that can be settled easily," James said. "For the dress robes, Hogsmeade, and dates, Rose can go with Scorpius, Lyra will go with Albus and I can take Dominique. Simple,"

But the girls really didn't think it was that simple. Both of them launched into an angry, indignant and flustered explanation as to why they wouldn't go with the mentioned boys.

James just shrugged, but he had a smug smirk on his face. It was so much fun watching those idiots run around, blushing and stuttering. Everyone knew they liked each other. Ashlyn had taken hundreds of pictures of Albus and Lyra together, she said it was to play at their wedding. And Ron had almost settled for an arranged marriage for Scorp and Rose, when Scorpius told him that he was a fan of Chudley Cannons.

"Hello!" said a voice behind them and all three jumped slightly.

"Oh, hi," Lyra said when Rose froze as she saw Hermione.

"I've seen you lot a few times," Hermione said. "You are the new students, aren't you?"

They nodded. 

"Oh, well, I've just come to ask you if you would like to join the S.P.E.W.," Hermione said briskly.

Lyra leaned forward and whispered in Rose's ear excitedly. 

"It's the birth of the S.P.E.W.!"

"I know!" Rose whispered back eagerly.

Hermione frowned slightly. If the two girls reminded her of Lavender and Parvati, except they weren't giggling....And they started giggling.

"So," Hermione said tartly. "The club stands for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. For centuries, house-elves were treated..."

And she launched into an explanation about why house-elves ought to be treated with respect and why they needed to work towards it.

Harry and Ron were looking sympathetically at their group. James tried to smile back, but due to the knowledge that it was his to-be father who was looking at him, it ended up looking like a crooked grimace.

Ron sighed and got up.

"Hermione, c'mon," he said ushering Hermione away from them. "Let them eat in peace, alright?"

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