Filler 2.009

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"Skeeter's was a gossiping bitch even now?" Scorpius said as they read an abandoned Daily Prophet.

"Apparently," Albus sighed. "What was the last thing she wrote? That my mum was with Neville?"

"Nah, it was my dad," Scorpius corrected.

"Wait, but wasn't your dad with Rose's mum?" Albus said, pausing in the act of buttering his toast.

"No," Scorpius shook his head. "If I remember correctly, your dad was screwing around with thestrals, and my mum was snogging Rose's mum. Your mum was going out with Luna,"

"Right," Albus nodded. "Pass the marmalade,"

"What?!" Pansy cried. "How do you say it like it's normal?!"

"What's wrong?" Scorpius said confused and slightly alarmed.

"What you just said!" Pansy screeched. "You have one messed up family,"

"Oh, that," Albus snorted. "It was just a gossiping reporter writing false stories about our parents,"

"...So, it's not true?" she said.

"No," they shook their heads.


Still sniggering about Pansy's stupid theories, they read the newspaper, the article about Harry and the Triwizard Tournament.

"Are you serious?!" Scorpius yelled at the paper as Albus flung it aside with a scoff.

"First Diggory and now Harry? Stop blowing holes in my ship! I need it to survive!" he cried.

"You sound like a crazy fanboy," Albus said. Then he sighed. "Honestly, isn't mum going to make a move or something?"

"She's thirteen you pervert," Scorpius said. 

The paper was snatched away from in front of them, and Blaise opened it with a flourish and began reading.

"You could have just asked for it," Scorpius said.

"Right," the other boys yawned and shuffled away.

"Jerk," Albus muttered. "...But a lot of people seem to be talking about the article,"

"About your dad and the love rivals," Scorpius said as they paid attention to the gossiping that was going around the Hall.

"Wonder what they are going to do," Albus said. "Hermione and Ashlyn,"

"Ignore it, maybe," Scorpius shrugged.

Blaise was talking to Draco.

They jumped when Draco sprayed the table with Pumpkin juice. 

"What's wrong with him?" Albus muttered, inching away, just in case Draco thought his spraying didn't reach the extent he would have liked to and spat out more pumpkin juice.

The blond was reading the Daily Prophet, a small frown creasing his brows as she straightened the newspaper with a flourish and read.

Scorpius had an eager look on his face. "What's he going to do?" he sang.

"Now to my question. Do you think it's true? Clarke and Granger fighting over Potter," Blaise asked cleaning himself.

 "No," Draco said simply.

Scorpius was sniggering uncontrollably, and Albus was trying to get him to quiet down so they could actually listen to the conversation.

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