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The castle was almost empty the next morning as Ashlyn made her way to the Great Hall, rather early. And as she had expected, she had the entire Gryffindor table to herself. There were a few Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Slytherins staying for Christmas.

She was planning of opening her presents later that morning, and then she could make a schedule for herself, homework, and other studies. She had some books she wanted to read too.

Then something caught her eye and she looked up. Draco was staying for the holidays? Oh, dear...

She got up, crossed the hall and went to sit in front of the blond idiot at the Slytherin table.

"You didn't tell me you were staying," she said frowning.

"You didn't tell me either," Draco said dismissively. "Why are you here?"

"Are you kidding me? Hogwarts is simply wonderful during Christmas, and there's no way I'd miss it," Ashlyn said.

"Good for you," Draco said, rather gloomily. They can't have that now, can they? Well, she was going to cheer him up if its the last thing she does.

"Did you see what I got you?" she asked.

"No, I didn't get time to open the presents yet," Draco said. "Why? What did you get me?"

"You should go and check," Ashlyn said helping herself to some bacon. "I should do the same," and she went back to preparing her mental timetable. This time, she'd have to shuffle a lot of things around if she wanted to get things done.

"Meet me back in the Room?" she asked. "In hour?"

Draco nodded.

"It's set then," she said brightly and got up from the table and left the Great Hall. Lot's of things to do...

Draco watched her go with the smallest of smiles. His Christmas was about to get a lot better.

Ashlyn went upstairs and pulled her pile of presents towards her.

"Hello, Dawn," she said brightly. "Merry Christmas," she tossed him a few owl treats. Well, she had a huge load of presents this year.

Hermione had got her a good little travel journal. Ashlyn smiled, that girl listened to the smallest things she would say. Ashlyn had mentioned it once that she had many places she wanted to visit.
Ginny got her a new set of quidditch gloves. Great! Her old ones were starting to wear out.
Ron got a huge box of chocolate frogs. Oh, yeah! More chocolate.
Harry brought her a broom service kit. Right, she had been neglecting her broom a bit. She should polish the handle, and maybe there were a few stray twigs, she could clip them. She should also go flying sometime soon.
There was Mrs Weasley's usual jumper and Hagrid's fudge.
Sirius had sent her a Black family heirloom. It was the silver dagger with blood rubies on the handle, the one she had admired for a long time. He was crazy! She should write him a letter. He can't just go giving away precious heirlooms that have been headed down generations.
Fred and George had sent her an assortment of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products in neat and elaborate packaging and everything about them told Ashlyn do not touch. She was going to keep these away; it would be best for her.
Tonks had sent her an Auror handbook. Moody's book was a tad bit gruesome, but interesting none the less.

Then she picked up the smallest box. She was keeping it for the last, the one from Draco. She unwrapped it carefully and revealed a little black box.

Extremely curious now, she opened the box. And inside there was a black silk drawstring pouch. What was he up to?

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