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Lyra caught the letter that dropped in front of her at breakfast.

"Who is it from?" Rose asked.

"Dumbledore," Lyra answered, slitting the envelope open and reading its contents. 

"He's asking us to meet him in his office after breakfast," she said handing the letter to Rose.

"I'll tell the others," James said casting the muffliato charm and pulling the mirror out.

"What do you think he wants?" Scorpius asked as they deviated from the usual flow of students who were heading to the classrooms and set off to the Headmaster's office.

"Will you guys like, stay away from each other or something?" James said annoyed, glaring at the four of them. Dominique giggled.

Rose and Scorpius were holding hands and were swinging their hands as they walked. Albus and Lyra, although weren't too much on the public display of affection yet, they were walking quite close to each other, hands brushing each other.

"Annoying little shits," James grumbled.

"Treacle fudge," Dominique told the gargoyle which sprung to life and jumped out of the way. They went up the spiralling staircase to the Headmaster's office.

James knocked on the door, and they heard Dumbledore say,


"Ah, yes, I have been waiting," Dumbledore said smiling brightly at them and beckoned them forward. He drew up six chairs and they landed with soft thuds before his desk.

Once they sat down, Dumbledore placed a small box in front of them.

Scorpius frowned at it, and drew it towards them and opened it.

"It's fixed," Rose said as Scorpius held up the time-turner. The crack had vanished and it seemed as good as new.

"I assure you it works perfectly," Dumbledore said. "I hope you had a good adventure and enjoyed your stay here,"

"We get to leave now?" Albus said. 

"Don't get me wrong, I want to go home," Dominique said. "But I would like to stay a bit more if you know what I mean..." she trailed off.

"Professor," Lyra said. "Sir, can we stay to watch the third task?"

"Well," Dumbledore said leaning back in the high backed chair and joining the tips of his long fingers together.

"I see no harm in staying for a bit longer," he said.

"Thank you, sir," Lyra beamed. "We will leave after the awarding ceremony. It's only a few weeks from now,"

"So we'll be going, huh?" James sighed. "I am so not doing seventh year again,"

"Did you even study this year, James?" Albus drawled.

"Actually, yeah," James said. "There was not much to do this year, so I actually did all the studying,"

"Well, it will be easy for me to do fifth year," Lyra said. "And I can take fourth as a break when we go back. Do you think McGonagall will let me skip a year?"

"I think we are forgetting something important," Dominique said.

"Yeah, if we are going back," Rose said. "And we end up in that Potions classroom...What do we tell them?"

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