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"But Draco, it's Halloween," 

"It is just a day which comes every year,"

"And it's just a different cloak," 

"You wanted to dye my hair!"

"That's how it's supposed to be, dummy,"



The sky was dark outside, the crescent moon peeking out of the clouds, reminding Ashlyn of the grinning Cheshire cat. There were hardly any stars to be seen as dark clouds flitted across the velvety darkness, accompanied by the chilling wind. It was the perfect Halloween.

Ashlyn had told Draco about the muggle Trick or Treating, and how they would wear costumes. And by the end, even Nash had given in to the spooky festive enthusiasm of hers. And so now he was strutting around the house with a small red sweater and two devil horns on his head, which suited him perfectly according to Draco.

But Draco did create a fuss when Ashlyn first declared her idea of dressing their cat. Both him and Nash were screeching their disapproval but finally had to give in. The horns were the only thing he agreed upon, which was probably the reason why Nash kept knocking them off his head every time Draco mentioned it.

Ashlyn somehow got her hands on the old banned film, The Exorcist. They were keeping to watch later. She wanted to go visit the Potters' graves first, and they could go in costume...Which was the reason for the conflict.

She had managed to coax Draco into dressing up as Count Dracula. The muggle-vampire-style cloak was easy enough. The fake teeth took a lot. The red eyes even more. But it was the hair that created the problem.

And now they were sitting on the two ends of the sofa, arms folded over their chest, grumbling.

"You just have to make it black for a bit," Ashlyn said exasperatedly. "That's the look,"

"I like my hair how it is, thank you very much," Draco retorted. He crossed his feet indignantly, roughly shoving the cloak he was wearing. Everything was perfect. His blond hair was slicked back. He even had the fake teeth on and was glaring at the wall with his now red eyes.

Ashlyn scoffed. She had decided to go for the White Witch of Narnia look...At first, she had decided to dress up as a pumpkin or a coca-cola bottle, but then inspiration struck. Although the movie hadn't come out yet, she wanted to do it. And that meant she had to turn her black hair white.

Which she did! Ashlyn had her now white hair, with the icicles crown. And she was wearing a heavy white fur coat. She was tapping her staff on the floor absentmindedly, as she complained to Nash about Draco.

"He's just being a prat, isn't he?" she told the cat, which had jumped onto her lap and was purring contently.

"I did my hair. Why can't he? And it's not like its permanent, right?"

Nash meowed his agreement.

"It happens to be my hair, and I can do whatever I want with it," Draco snapped.

Ashlyn huffed and turned her back on him.

"I'm not talking about this," Draco said.

"Ridiculous," she muttered. "He can do the teeth, the eyes, but not the hair? That's just ridiculous, isn't it, Nash?"

"You're really going to complain to the cat?" Draco sneered.

"Oh, look at him now," Ashlyn said loftily. "Now he wants to talk to us,"

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