Filler 2.014

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"Oh, come on!" Scorpius said angrily, throwing the Daily Prophet onto the table. 

Albus sighed. They had just read the article Rita Skeeter wrote about Hagrid being a half-giant. 

"Just when you think you make progress," Scorpius muttered darkly.

"That's what you are worried about?" Rose snapped.

"I feel bad for Hagrid, yeah," Scorpius said. "But I'm also worried about my existence possibly being wiped out, thanks,"

"Shut up, Scorp," Lyra sighed scanning the article again. "...This is sick,"

"And did he have to put it like that?"  she said desolately. "I miss Dad so much," 

James put the paper aside where they wouldn't have to see it.

"He'll get over it," he said sadly. "I mean, he does come back to teaching. He still teaches us, so, it might just go well,"

"I hope Ashlyn does something about this," Dominique said.

Rose took the Map out and spread it out in front of them. 

"What's mum doing in front of Hagrid's?" Scorpius said leaning forward. 

"I guess she's comforting him," Rose said. "And there's Draco...Harry, Ron and Hermione are up in the Gryffindor common room...Do you think Harry's figured out the egg's clue?"

"I wouldn't say so," Albus said. "One thing I learned about dad is that he has an incredible knack for procrastination,"

"Agreed," James sighed.


"Are we going to Hogsmeade today?" Rose said.

"Anything to get out," James mumbled. "The revision's horrible,"

"N.E.W.T.s, right," Lyra said not at all sympathetic. "But you'll get all this extra practice,"

"And what am I supposed to do with that?" James said. "I can't even fly,"

"Well, it's not the best weather to fly today anyway," Rose pointed out. 

"Whatever," James mumbled.

"Are you kidding me?!" Scorpius cried when he saw Ashlyn and Diggory at Madam Puddifoots'.

"Oh, no," Dominique said. "He might have asked her to become his girlfriend,"

"No, shit," Scorpius snapped. "Ugh! Where's dad? You know what?! Forget it! I give up! I'll just stop existing!"

"Don't be ridiculous," Rose sighed, taking his arm and marching him away from the tea shop. "Let's get some butterbeer to cool you down. And then we can go to Honeydukes,"

They knew Scorpius was really pissed because he didn't throw some cheeky, flirty comment at Rose, which was something he would have usually done by now.

The trip to Hogsmeade wasn't the best one.

"I'm going to ask Dumbledore how much longer it will take," Lyra said. "Anyone coming?"

There was a lazy reply, where they just grumbled into their bottles about how they were tired and wanted to do something else.

"Fine, I'll go by myself then," Lyra shrugged.

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