Drunk 2

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Drunk couldn't even begin to describe what they were at the moment. Hell, they wouldn't even recognise themselves at the moment.

Wand at the ready, Ashlyn had opened the door and never in her two messed up lives would she have expected that sight.

The four of them tumbled in, reeking of alcohol. Blaise tripped over the threshold and brought Ron down with him, both falling with a loud crash.

Harry tried helping them up, only to fall on top of them. Draco had moved away from them, gone down on one knee and extended the huge bouquet of red roses towards her, gazing at his feet.

Ashlyn blinked. She had no idea what was going on, but one thing was certain. This ought to be recorded.

She flicked her wrist, and the video camera floated into the air. She had kept it outside, to take videos of Teddy whenever he came for a visit. She took it out that night to watch as a pass time.

The video camera floated above their heads, and the little blinking red dot told her that it was recording. It would be something to show Hermione and Ginny later on, and one copy of this to Fred and George and they would never let them live it down.

Ron who had managed to sit up now, put his hands around his mouth, apparently trying to whisper and said loudly,

"Kiss her, Draco,"

He was never a good whisperer. And in his drunken state, he might as well have told it from five blocks away, and she would have heard it perfectly fine. 

"No," Blaise said in a similar 'whisper'. "That is sexual harassment. Pansy told that anything without consent is harassment,"

"Ooohhh," Harry and Ron nodded vigorously.

Ashlyn thought she'd have to send Pansy a letter, thanking her for knocking at least some sense in these idiots.

Draco was still staring at his feet, the bouquet outstretched under her face as the other three launched into a discussion.

"So, if I get beat up and I consent to it, that wouldn't be harassment?" Ron asked.

"Why would you want to get beat up?" Harry snorted.

"No," Blaise said quite seriously. "That means you are a masochist and that's just your type,"

"Oi!" Draco snapped. "Get on with it, will you?"

"Yeah," Blaise said staggering to his feet and clearing his throat. Ron and Harry stumbled up too.

Ashlyn closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. It was not in her bucket list. Nor was it in the 'Bizzare things I would like to see' list either. She certainly didn't wish for this. Not even in her wildest dreams would she have imagined something like this. Did she do something bad that karma had come for her? She didn't think so. She didn't think she had done something to piss the Universe off either.

Then why? Why?!

Just why did she have four drunk men on her living room, serenading to her?

"YoU~" Blaise started singing. " aRe A tHiEf! YoU sToLe HiS hEaRt~"

"Blaise you are a terrible singer," Ron said. 

"Yeah, you can improve," Harry nodded.

"I told you not to call her a thief!" Draco barked.

"Oh, sorry," Blaise said and cleared his throat again, then began humming lightly to start off again.

"You stole his heart! Broke it in two! I'd call you cold-hearted but Draco will kill me~"

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