Preparations 4

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'So no little Delphi, huh?' the voice said as they apparated back to the Ministry.

'Maybe she was there, maybe she wasn't,' Ashlyn thought. 'And it didn't seem like I would be able to get her out anyway. She would have instructions to hide,'

'You should've taken Harry, and you know it,' the voice chided. 

'Well, yeah, she would be hiding somewhere that can only be accessed by Parsletongue, but then again...She only wanted to know her father...'

'Sympathy, huh?' the voice scoffed. 

'She might not turn out to be that bad, and...she was never evil,' Ashlyn argued. 'Maybe she killed someone in the books, but right now, she would be only a kid,'

Letting out a small sigh, she got into the golden lift that took her down to level two. Once she reported her wonderful failure on the first day in the Search team to her boss, and after finishing a ridiculously long report that made her feel like she was back in school, then she could leave.


"Which part of going to bed did you not understand?" she said stepping out of the fireplace. Draco was lying on the sofa, reading a book on Alchemy.

He looked up.

"Ah, what a wonderful time to turn up," he said sarcastically. "Quater past two. That's record time for you,"

"Taking jibes at me isn't going to let you off," Ashlyn said testily. "You are supposed to go to bed. And tomorrow, you are going to sleep in, and come to work late. Again,"

"I'll wake up on time, okay?" Draco said putting his book down and pulling Ashlyn onto his lap.

"So, did you find anything?" he said, as Ashlyn relaxed and let out a small sigh.

"No luck," she said sadly.

"It was only your first day," he said bracingly. "And they have been trying for days,"

"Mmhmm," Ashlyn hummed, burying her face in his chest. "It was disappointing,"

"It's alright," he said stroking her hair. "You'll do just fine. Give it a few more days,"


"What did I miss?" Hermione asked her the next morning.

"Oh, nothing much," Ashlyn said loftily. "Just an Azkaban break out,"

Hermione almost dropped the file she was holding. 

"What?" she said horrified. 

"Not really into reading the paper during the honeymoon, huh?" Ashlyn smirked. "Anyway, nothing much. It's been eleven days, and they haven't been caught yet. Daily Prophet's having a good time,"

"We are still searching," 

Ashlyn sighed. "I'm getting them if that's the last thing I do,"

"Oh, dear," Hermione said distressed. "I was gone for two weeks and this happens,"

"Level Four," the female voice said. "The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,"

Ashlyn waved goodbye to Hermione as the brunette left the golden elevator. 

She sighed and leaned against the back. What could the Death Eaters possibly want? Either it was to just escape. That would be difficult, and they would know that they cannot stay in hiding for long. So if they come for revenge, it would be either Harry, or the Order, or the Malfoys...

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