A Last Goodbye

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Ashlyn had really missed going to classes, practising Quidditch with the team, eating at the Great Hall, and all the homework.

It took a lot of convincing and arguing with McGonagall to finally get her dagger back. The Headmistress wasn't all too pleased with this arrangement, but when there was nothing much more solid, she had to give it away to Ashlyn.

After her newest near-death experience, Ashlyn decided to write to her parents.

"Hello, Dawn," she said when she went up to the owlery. "Yes, yes, I know. I'm sorry. I should have visited you soon,"

Dawn gave a reprimanding hoot and swooped down on her arm, and she tied the letter to his leg.

"Don't scare mum, okay? And only fly in through an open window, don't crash into closed one and get hurt," 

Ashlyn said as she sent her owl off. Now to her other little pet.


Her pygmy puff gave a squeak and jumped onto Ashlyn's palm.

"Why ever didn't I spend more time with you, you adorable lil' floof," she cooed.


She had started working at the library with Hermione, Harry and Ron now, although it didn't have the appeal the RoR did. It was much more peaceful there, and she wanted to go there again.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked as Ashlyn packed her things and got up.

"Room of Requirement," Ashlyn said simply. All of them looked up sharply.

"...Are you sure you want to?" Hermione asked tentatively. "Will you be okay?"

"Why won't I be fine?" Ashlyn said dismissively. "Plus I do better there,"

And so she went to the seventh floor and opened an all too familiar room...But since when did it have a couch in one corner and the room did look larger than before. Not that she was complaining.

She closed the door behind her and placed her bag on top of the familiar table. 

It was really nice being back there and she could concentrate better. 

Two hours later, Ashlyn stretched in her seat. She should work her legs a bit.

Humming slightly under her breath, Ashlyn got up from her place and took a walk down the many aisles of books in the room.

Then she got an idea. She placed her wand tip to her forehead and pulled a golden string, and soon the room filled with music.

"Every night in my dreams~"

Ashlyn frowned slightly. Somehow the song made her feel weird inside. Maybe she should change it...But why the hell was her head only filled with love songs?! 

Ah...There it was. Disney music was always wonderful to listen to... When in doubt, turn to Disney.

"Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase~"

Ashlyn swayed slightly with the music, occasionally singing along.

"It's our problem freeee philosophyyyyyy!" she sang as she watched her little figures of Simba, Timon and Pumba float around in the air.


Ashlyn did better than ever in the Quidditch practices and had reached the peak of jittery excitement for the last match of her school life.

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