Filler 2.005

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"How does that matter, Scorp?" Lyra said for the hundredth time.

She was at the Slytherin table, trying to get Scorpius to stop overthinking about their father so much.

"Listen here, you little brat," Lyra snapped. "He most certainly changed! Obviously! You've heard them talk about their school days. And you know Dad used to be a bit of a dick. I don't get why you are so caught up with him being a bratty little jerk who keeps his family values on his head!"

Scorpius wasn't listening but was looking at the Gryffindor table.

"Mum looks tired," he said sadly. "Why does she always look tired? I thought she'd be enjoying her time when she was fourteen, but she's still the same, isn't she?"

Lyra followed his gaze and her previous frown vanished and her gaze softened.

"It must be hard to be a Seer," Albus muttered.

"Are you still stuck up on that theory?" Lyra scoffed. "Honestly, Alfred," she put particular pressure on the name. Albus gave her the finger and Lyra pulled her wand out.

Scorpius sighed. The other two followed his gaze back to Ashlyn.

James caught Lyra's eye and waved jovially, making her snort. Rose was staring at her mum and dad who seemed to be bickering.


Albus looked down and pulled out the mirror. All of them huddled close.

"Ly, you've got to get your butt here," James said. "Time tables, remember?"

They blinked. Then groaned. 

They had forgotten that they'll have to attend classes in order to blend in. Oh, crap.

"Coming," Lyra said gloomily and shifted her gaze again to the Gryffindor table.

Scorpius put his head on the table and said, "What do we do?"

"We wait for Dumbledore to fix the Time-turner, of course," Albus said.

Suddenly, blocking their view of the table at the other end of the Hall, someone sat in front of them.

"Oh," Lyra said softly.

Of course, it had to be Draco Malfoy.

"What are you staring at?" he snapped at Lyra, who seemed to have momentarily forgotten how to speak.

"Hey," Albus said threateningly. He might be their father, but only in the future, not at that moment.

"You know," Pansy said musingly as she stared at Scorpius and sat down beside Draco.

"Is she Pansy?"Lyra whispered into Albus' ear, who nodded.

"You look so similar to Draco," Pansy said.

All three of them started.

"Expect your hair," Pansy continued. "It's cute...But. Look at this Draco, you almost look like twins. Even your eyes are grey!"

"No, they are not," Lyra snapped. "Its clearly different,"

"And how do you know that?" Draco asked smugly, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. Then he sighed.

Lyra and Scorpius pulled a similar disgusted face. Being hit on by your father might just be the worst thing ever.

Albus went into a violent coughing fit, half laughing, half shocked.

"Because I know my eyes, thank you very much," Lyra said loftily. Of course, she had paid particular attention to her transfiguration to make sure it didn't look like her father's. So she would appreciate it if they didn't say it looked the same.

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