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She could hear someone calling her. It was annoying. 

Moaning in indignance, she turned over, pulling the covers over her head.

"Ashlyn! Ashlyn! Wake up!"

Frowning, she opened her eyes. A pair of sparkling white eyes and a gleaming set of teeth greeted her. 

And it obviously scared the shit out of her.

Screaming, she pulled her hand back and threw a punch, but the person blocked it with a pillow.

"I've gotten used to this by no—" before he could finish the sentence, her leg caught him with a kick to the side of his head and threw him off the bed, sending him crashing to the floor.

Ashlyn sat up panting, summoning her wand.

The lights came on. 

She blinked.

That idiot!

"Renervate," she said irritably. Draco stirred on the floor. Then with a groan, he pushed himself up.

"The hell Malfoy?" Ashlyn yelled. "When will you ever stop acting like a creep? Oh, Lord give me strength, I'm going bash this asshole. What is it in the middle of the night?"

She huffed. "I should put an anti-apparition spell, and block the fireplace too," 

Draco, still wincing, got off the floor, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I thought I had finally gotten used to it," he mumbled. "Why would you kick me?!" he said massaging the side of his head.

"Why would you smile like a creep?" Ashlyn retorted.

She sighed. 

"I hardly slept for like two hours, and then this is what I wake up to,"

She shook her head.

"Did something happen?" she asked.

"Of course it did," Draco said. "Why else would I be here?"

A frown creased her forehead. "What's wrong?" she said getting out of bed. 

"Twenty-two years ago, a disaster was brought to this world," Draco said simply. Ashlyn blinked. 


"I knew it. Good thing I came early. We will be just in time," he said checking his watch and getting to his feet.

Ashlyn was still trying to process what he had meant. Twenty-two years ago, would mean 1980...What sort of disaster happened then?... Was it a natural disaster, or just some muggle thing? Because she didn't remember reading anything about it in all the books in the Wizarding world...Well, it was Voldemort's reign then, so something related to that. But then again, nothing was there that particularly stood out in any of the books she had read.

Draco looked at her face, and he could almost see the cogs turning inside her head. Half asleep, and overthinking, he was sure she couldn't make heads or tails of the situation.

Laughing, he pulled out a black handkerchief and straightened it.

"Come here," he said.

"What is this about?" Ashlyn asked as she moved towards him. The git had the nerve to chuckle right now? What could have possibly happened?

"You always think too much," Draco said. "Try something simpler?"

"Simpler?" Ashlyn repeated. Well, what was simple in this context?...

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